3-A Visit to Yathrib

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A/N  Sorry for long wait. I was busy with my studies  -_-

When Muhammad ﷺ was six, Aminah decided to take him with her to visit his uncles in Yathrib. Yathrib (now known as Madinah) was situated in the midst of volcanic hills in the Hijaz region of western Saudi Arabia about 100 miles (160 km) inland from the Red Sea. In its early days, it was an oasis famed for the dates from its palm groves.

It was a long journey by carava, but young Muhammad ﷺ enjoyed meeting his cousins, playing with them and learning to swim. Muhammmad ﷺ and Aminah enjoyed the pleasant climate and the company of their relatives for a month. But, tragically, on the journey back to Makkah, Aminah fell ill and died. Little Muhammad ﷺ returned home with Aminah’s maid, Barakah.

Muhammad’s grandfather adopted him and took care of him. Abd al-Muttalib loved Muhammad ﷺ dearly, and was convinced that he was destined for greatness.

Muhammad ﷺ sat by Abd al-Muttalib’s side near the Kabbah during all his consultations, and when Abd al-Muttalib fell sick two years later, Muhammad ﷺ was adopted by his uncle, Abu Talib. Muhammad ﷺ became part of Abu Talib’s large family right away, and was his favourite.

  ﷺ = peace be upon him

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