3- "wanna be my valentine's victim?"

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Summary: James and the m/c lived in a shared apartment (with other students and people) in San Francisco; she was studying photography while James had already formed the band Metallica, being much more famous than when he came to the apartment

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Summary: James and the m/c lived in a shared apartment (with other students and people) in San Francisco; she was studying photography while James had already formed the band Metallica, being much more famous than when he came to the apartment. As he had arrived from his first little USA tour, he decides to do an small party in the apartment, irritating the m/c more than she already was bc of the Valentine's day.

Valentine's day. A day of love and passion. Hearts, flowers, chocolate... vomit. I hated it. I hated it all. If I had to see one more couple fawning over each other, I might just tear my eyes out.

I was forced to witness as new couples giggled with fresh lust and old couples settled in for a night of comfortable familiarity.

"Argh!" I slammed the fridge shut, having snatched some chocolate from inside.

If someone was going to be stupid enough to leave it lying around, I was going to eat it. Their payment for making me suffer.

At least some of the couples were heading out on dates. Not that their absence or presence would change my plans.

Plans that involved stuffing my face with ice cream and chocolate, and walking around in socks and an oversized flannel I'd pulled from the dryer earlier. There was no one to impress, and no point in trying, which is exactly why my hair sat atop my head, gathered in the messiest of messy buns.

Valentine's day be damned.

Reaching into the freezer, I pulled out the rocky road ice cream inside before slamming that closed, too. Grabbing a spoon from the drawer and plopping it into my mouth, I then stormed out of the kitchen and towards my room.

James stared down at me, wide eyed and concerned. "Hey? Everything okay?"

As I opened my mouth to respond, my eyes were drawn to two people walking down the hallway in the opposite direction as me. Their fingers were intertwined, smiles plastered on their faces as they lean in to peck each other's lips.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me! Argh!" Pushing past James, I forced the couple to part as I stormed down the hallway.

James watched as you left, his concern and confusion only growing.

In the middle of my bed, legs crossed in front of me, my eyes were glued to my computer screen. The natural rebel, I'd planned a night of gore and murder. Nothing but monsters and psychopaths would be on my screen tonight.

With my spoon halfway to my mouth, I'm stopped by the sound of knuckles knocking at my door.

Pausing, my eyes darted over to the wooden barrier before I shoved the ice cream into my mouth. "Yea?"

The door crept open as James popped his head into the room. "Can I come in?"

A shrug was my only response.

James Hetfield • || 𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now