What world is this?

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Anami POV

(Second image is Anami age 12)

You know when your in a ride at the fair that makes you wanna throw up? Well that how it feels going through the Earth Portal. I started screaming as i fell from the sky. 

 "Esperita Fuga!" I screamed as my dragon wings appeared in a transparent light helping me land safely. Once i landed i look around dusting my gown down and frowned. In my head i wondered; where am I? Is this earth? 

 Around me were trees and grass. The trees here where different being a more green color like the green of a more healthy color. The grass was even the same green. On my realm the plants were different colors and the grass glowed a light blue just like the sky above me. The blue sky and air was so...fresh. Not as pure as my realm but relatively fresh.

 As i walked i looked around for any sign of what Elder taught me. Elder told me Humans or Mundanes in our realm are selfish and destructive looking for any means to destroy themselves. But he also mentioned the handful of those who do things for the better good. 

As I ran and came across the Highway and ran toward a border of some sort. As a i ran i dodged bullets that as I neared the border through the forest. I learned that humans have deadly weapons among themselves called guns. Elder mentioned that these weapons caused war among themselves. All of a sudden i feel a sharp pain on my shoulder and fall holding my arm before i get surrounded by the soldier who were chasing me. I study one and read Canada border patrol and wondered if that the state i appeared at. 

I smiled at them "you know its rude to shoot a 12 year old" I screamed the spell "Navitas Dis!" I screamed sending the officers back and knocking out a few. I stand up my injury healing and hold the bullet in my hand walking to i figured the leader. I kneeled and touched his head "goodnight sir" i watch as he falls unconscious. 

"Thats quite impressive Kid" i heard someone behind me say. I turned to be meet face to face with a man. maybe around his maybe mid 40s 60s. He was definitely African american. and had an eye patch. I stayed quiet as my hands glowed.

"Are you going to attack or talk? Your not from earth are you?" He asked me

"You can say that...who are you?" i asked getting ready to deflect any attack.

"Well one..you look 12...whats a 12 year old doing here for?"

I chuckled "I come from a realm paralleled to yours...Your Earth called for help...its under a threat aren't i right?" i questioned

i can tell i hit something essential. "You can say that. A god took a dangerous weapon which can cause something dangerous on this planet. My name Nick Fury. Im a Shield Agent. Im gonna have to take you in since we don't know if your a threat kid."

I sighed and lowered my hands "Anami Vulpix...Princess of Florescent. I'll come with you on one condition."

Nick raised an eyebrow "Princess? Condition? What type of Condition"

"I help you with this threat and i'll tell you about my realm" I extended my hand

Nick "if this is a trick its not gonna end well for you" he shooked my hand

I smiled "oh its not...if i wanted to kill you or the people from this planet i would have released hell" 

Nick shakes head and leaded me to a jet. Little did i know boarding that jet was the beginning of my journey as the Blue Summoner.

Hey hey Hey this is Hope or Anami-chan here. I hope your liking the story. leave a comment on anything i need to improve in!.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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