the one and only part

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There was a fortunate house in a good neighborhood, but in it was a sad boy. This boy had a hard life, he had gone from being a bright blue-eyed, happy kid that liked to run around outside to being a sad person that hated going outside and hated talking to people, his eyes had even changed, they were now a blue-grey steel kind of colour. This sad boy hated this world and the people in it. This all happened because of his parents. His horrible horrible parents. He hated them the most. He hated them more than the bright shining sun that didn't seem to care if he was unhappy and kept shining anyway, the gentle waves of the sea that seemed to reach out to people, but not to him, and the sky, the bright blue sky, the sky that he had to live under every day, he hated it.

But sometimes when he felt he was at his lowest there was always one person that could reach out to him, and give him a little bit of joy. This person was a sad person like him, but she always cared for him. She was the brightest person in his life. He loved her more than anything. She was his bright shining sun that did seem to care if he was unhappy, she was the gentle waves of the sea that didn't reach out to people, but reached out to him, she was the sky, the bright blue sky, that he had to live under, he loved her.

Just thinking about her put a smile on his face. She was everything to him. He was a sad boy but this sad boy was able to smile from time to time. This harsh world was not going to stop him from having some small short-lived happiness.

When the boy was younger, he had parents, they weren't normal parents, they were the worst parents that a person could have. They did drugs and drank, they were addicts with a child. They were addicts that would not stop their addiction for a child that had their blood. They didn't care. All they cared about was what they had wanted, they didn't care about what their child needed.

His parents never seemed to stop, until one day, the day they split and his dad left, not taking him with him. The sun shone a little brighter that day. He didn't know whether or not his mother would stop her addiction and pay attention to him. He didn't know if his father would come back to get him because he realized how much he cared for the boy.

Even after months of living just with his mother, nothing changed. She never stopped drinking or doing drugs. He still lived in this house with a horrible parent. She eventually sent the boy off to live with his father. He thought maybe his father stopped and wanted him away from his mother, but he was wrong. Nothing had changed with him either. He was still the same horrible parent that he had had before.

The family that he had was so problematic that the government was involved. They talked to him every week about his parents and what life was like at home. He never told them the truth because even though he hated his parents he loved them unconditionally and didn't want anything to happen to them.

His father sent him to his aunts for the night, at the time the boy just thought that it was just to hang out with his cousin. He was wrong, the day after his sleepover, his social worker came, they had come to take him away from his horrible horrible parents. This made the happy boy become sad, this is what had made him the sad boy he is today.

The social worker took him to their building to find him a home for him to live with. At the time he had felt like he was there for hours, as a child he had no sense of time. They had eventually found the sad boy a home. They took him to a nice Spanish family's house and told him that he was going to live with them for a while. He didn't know why and the social worker wouldn't tell him why.

He lived with this happy family for a school year. In that year he had made some friends at the school that he went to. The boy had trouble making friends as a child so he didn't have many friends. He made friends with the girl in the family that he was living with. She had autism but she was fun to be around. The boy and the girl were around the same age and got along pretty well. It felt like he had a sister when he was living with them.

Sometimes at night, he lies awake thinking about her and wonders how she's doing. Or wonders if the family still thinks about him.

After living with this family he was introduced to a new family, his social worker told him that this was going to be his forever home. They told him that he wasn't going to see his parents anymore. This made the sad boy become even sadder. This boy had already had a hard life, this made his life harder.

They gradually integrated this sad boy into this family. They started with sleepovers and eventually led to living with them full time, never going to see his horrible horrible parents again. This family was nice but he knew they weren't his family. It took him almost a year to accept that he wasn't going back to his parents. There was a small part in his heart that was happy not to go back to his parents, but it was mostly sadness that he felt, because he loved his parents.

When the boy accepted that he wasn't going back to his parents, he began to let him feel love for this family, because they loved him even though he was just placed into this family. He had a sister in this family. This girl would be his sister for the rest of his life. The adults would be his parents for the rest of his life. He didn't have horrible horrible parents anymore. It took him a year living with them to start calling them mom and dad, but when he did they looked so happy.

This boy was a sad boy but his mother could make him happy. She was his bright shining sun that did seem to care if he was unhappy, she was the gentle waves of the sea that didn't reach out to people, but reached out to him, she was the sky, the bright blue sky, that he had to live under, he loved her. His mother is his world.

The sad boy's mother was not going to let this harsh world get at her boy for as long as she lives. He made her happy and she made him happy. They were each other's sun, sea, and sky.

The boy was sad for years after coming to this family. He would cry at night because he missed his parents. But eventually, his sadness was lost in his sea of happiness. He stopped crying every night and now only cries every so often. He was not going to let this harsh world bring him back down.

There was a carefree house in an acceptable neighborhood and in it lived an untroubled family. But more specifically there was a boy, this boy's eyes were once a blue-grey steel colour, he was a sad boy once, but after finding his love for his family his eyes shine bright blue again. He loves the sun that shines so brightly every day, and the gentle waves of the sea that reaches out to him, and the sky, the bright blue sky he chooses to live under every day. He is a happy boy now. 

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