part 1

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Superheroes suck. Some may argue that they save the world or whatever but Dream hates them and will never change his mind. They weren't saviours, they were homewreckers. Literally. The internal rant in Dream's head went on as he attempted to scavenge for his phone in the debris of what used to be his ceiling. A hunk of metal, that he could only guess came from a spaceship, was sitting in the middle of the room right under a giant hole. Dream always wished for a skylight but this is not what he meant. Maybe he should've been more specific in his wishing or maybe some so called superhero shouldn't drop their shit on top of his apartment. Either way there was no way he could live in this building anymore.

After finally finding his phone and cursing a bit more over the cracked screen, Dream called his most trusted friend.

Unfortunately for Sapnap, he was that friend. Don't get him wrong he loves his friend, especially Dream, but he just isn't the biggest fan of Dream's hour long rants late at night. When he first heard there was a battle happening near where Dream lived, he panicked and left multiple texts and calls. When Dream finally replied and informed him it was blocks away and he would be fine, Sapnap finally let himself relax and go to bed. However, his sleep quickly ended as he found himself driving as fast as he could into the city to Dream's apartment.

"It's not fair, I just got new curtains last week as well. I bet they knew that and wanted to wreck them"

"I know it's not fair, Dream and I'm sorry about your curtains but something tells me they didn't know about them."

"They totally did! I should have listened to mum, she always said how much she hated the design and that I shouldn't buy them."

"I liked them."

"I'm being selfish, aren't I?"

"You're upset and justifiably so."

"People got hit worse I just lost a ceiling."

"Well, it's still not great, you can be upset."

"No one else in my building was affected, just me..." Dream trailed off going into his own thoughts for a second.

"Well, that's good at least."

"No, that's a conspiracy."

Sapnap wanted to hit his head off the wheel multiple times. He doesn't and will never understand why Dream believes that all superheroes are against him. They probably don't even know who he is but, that doesn't stop Dream's imagination creating conspiracies against him. There are currently nine ongoing conspiracies against Dream, all of them including Supers and all of them being absolute bullshit.

"Out of all people why me though? They could've hit Noisy Nicole or Creepy Chris but they hit me. In another universe I'm sitting at home right now with a full ceiling living in peace not having to worry about hearing any of Nichole's break ups or Chris' strange noises. I still don't know what he was up to last week and I don't want to know but those noises were not natural."

"Well now you get to live with the best flatmate who promises to stop and get you ice-cream from McDonalds." Sapnap prayed he wouldn't end up with a

At that Dream finally crumbles from the stress of everything. His anger quickly leaving him as tears start to form in his eyes.

"You'd really do that?" He sniffles a bit trying to act like he's not about to cry over ice-cream

"What? Of course, it's just ice- "Sapnap stopping when from the corner of his eye he catches Dream wiping away tears.

"Are you crying?"

"Pfft of course not, your accusation is insulting."

"You've been through a lot tonight, it's normal to show emotion you know?" Sapnap says as he finally makes it to the nearest drive though. However, instead of going straight through, he parks in a space near the back of the car park.

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