Officially Together

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I was so utterly furious with Jake. How dare he just pull me out of school and start accusing me of threatening Esther. Gosh, she was the one who threatened me. I stormed back to school, slowing down my pace as I walked down the hallway. My heart was still beating fast with rage from the accusation made by Jake. What exactly did Esther tell Jake? I felt a tinge of pain, knowing that he stood up so readily for her. How could he think that I was that type of person? Of all people, he should know me best. The fact that he would actually doubt me just killed a part of me. It sucks, that the person you like actually trust another girl instead of you.

I was so caught up with my thoughts that I didn't realize I was standing there alone in the hallway. Everyone had disappeared to class about 20 minutes ago while I was out screaming my head off with Jake. The emptiness of the hallway filled me. I was happy to be alone. I just needed one more spark before I started raging, and I didn't want that unfortunate person to be someone close to me.

'Little girl roaming around in the halls?' Called out a sickening familiar voice. Grimacing to myself, I turned to see Esther leaning against the lockers. She held this smirk on her face as she looked at me coolly. I rolled my eyes at her, obviously showing my dislike to her. Not that she liked me either.

'None of your business.' I managed to spit out through my gritted teeth. My fingers was curled up in fists. I wanted to wipe that smirk off that annoying face of hers so badly. Screw the thought of her being pretty, her insides was obviously as ugly as a wicked witch. She actually dared to push the blame on me, telling Jake that I threatened her. Are you kidding me? I glanced at the place where a mark was supposedly supposed to be and saw a handprint look-a-like mark on her arm area. I raised my eyebrows. I bet she put the mark on herself. Trust her to go to such extent to make Jake believe her. Jake is obviously stupid.

'I saw you walking out with Jake. That's already my business. Anything to do with Jake has to do with me. The faster you get that processed in that deluded brain of yours, the better.' She snarled, taking a few measured steps towards me. Being taller than me, she had the advantaged of looking over me, making herself more high and mighty. But I wasn't going to let that faze me. I lifted my chin as we both stared angrily into each other's eyes, both daring each other to make a move.

'You clearly know what you did so stop acting as though you had no clue to what just happened. Forcing me out of Jake's life isn't going to get you anywhere. What do you have against me Esther Taylor?' I frowned, my arms crossed over my chest as I lifted my chin higher in defiant. Nothing good has happened ever since she stepped into this school. She made my life a living hell when I didn't even do anything to her. She had no reason to hate me.

'The fact that you mean something to Jake just irks me. I've known Jake since young, I'm the one he should be caring about, not you. Sadly, Jake trusts me more than he trusts you. He believes whatever I say. So stay away from him and I won't go spouting nonsense. Your life will be much better too.' With that, she brushed past me, bumping my shoulder rudely along the way.

I closed my eyes in defeat. After being in his life for so long, there is no way I can just walk out of his life. It'll just kill a part of me. But yet that's the only way that the both of them can be happy together. I've seen the way he looked at her, he is clearly in love with her. My presence is just going to make things complicated.

Esther was right, the sooner I get out of his life, the better. But the question is, will I be strong enough to do it?


'Esther, what are you doing here?' I had just walked into school when I bumped into her. Classes were going on now and I couldn't find a reason as to why she wasn't in class.

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