Episode 1 - We're Back! Pt 1

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We're baaaaaaaaaaack.

Welcome to an all new season of Total Drama! Hosted by yours truly, a Chris McLean, this season is to be the best season of Total Drama in... okay maybe not the BEST season ever, but better than some previous ones.
Thanks to our stunts at Camp Wawanakwa and Pahkitew, we have to start entirely fresh at Camp Okinowa, a beautiful island that unfortunately probably isn't going to last very long.
2 teams. 16 contestants. A MILLION big ones. Which camper is going to take their do-over season and use it to the max? Who's gonna get shacked up with their old bae, or leave their current one? And will Chef actually learn how to cook?
Find out right here, on TOTAL,

Chris stood on the Dock of Shame, grinning. "Welcome back to Total Drama: Redo! Chris here, and are you ready to meet this year's contestants?"
He turned to face the first of many. "He hooked up with a mentally ill psycho and is everyone's favorite big buddy! It's, OWEN!" Owen plopped down with a bunch of duffel bags in his hands.
"My man, how's it going?" Chris greeted.
Owen burped loudly, causing the scenery around him to shake with force. "Boat food, ahaha."
As Owen walked to stand next to Chris, Chris patted him on the back. "Thanks for giving the wildlife a sneak peek of the next few weeks, I appreciate it."
He turned back to face out of the dock. "Ah! She's a fashion icon with barely half a brain, it's Lindsay!"
Lindsay turned to face the island. "Hi TV! Oh-" she looked confused while Chris turned her around to face the actual camera. "OH! Hi Mom! Hi Beth! I promise you, I'll win France this time!" She smiled before clicking down next to Owen.
"He's a flavorful delinquent with a taste for crazy girls— it's Duncan!"
Duncan slung his bag over his shoulder. "No funny business this time McLean, no funny business."
Chris laughed as Duncan walked by. "What show does he think he's on? And speaking of crazy girls, she's a controlling C.I.T. with a taste for flavorful delinquents, it's Courtney!"
"I'll have you know that my lawyers are working up a case RIGHT NOW CHRIS! Unbelievable!" Courtney huffed as she walked down the dock.
"Hey princess." Duncan smirked.
"We are NOT doing this against you ogre!" Courtney yelled.
"He's a completely serious kid who I used to employ, it's Noah!"
"I'm just so overjoyed to be back. And I just love Chris so much. " Noah said with a straight face.
"I fired you for a reason kid." Chris snarled. "She's a planet-saving goth who steals boyfriends in her spare time, it's Gwen!"
"I did that one time Chris, one time." Gwen smacked her palm into her face while walking past Duncan and Courtney.
"🎶Boyfriend kisser, you're not my, new sister🎶." Courtney looked away sharply
"You've got quite the reputation girly." Duncan joked, causing Gwen to sigh.
"He's a fragile little boy with a stalker problem, it's Cody!"
Cody was visibly nervous while walking onto the dock. "Speaking of ~stalkers~, she's not here, right? Because I-"
"CODYYYYYY!" A familiar high pitched voice came running from off frame, tackling Cody to the ground.
Chris sighed with frustration. "And she's a pink haired psycho who should probably be imprisoned. WHAT HAPPENED TO CALLING CUES?" His complaints went undetected as Sierra and Cody strolled down next to Gwen.
Chris turned back to face the camera. "He's a full on nerd who can't take a hint, it's Harold!"
Harold scoffed, pushing his glasses up. "I do not classify as a nerd, and I'm actually popular these days."
   "Mhm, yea, we all like to imagine things too." Chris chuckled as Harold shuffled by.
   "She's 100% sassy and 100% done with Harold, it's Leshawna!"
    "Y'all better watch out, because Leshawna ain't here to play baby!"  Leshawna grinned, scowling at Harold.
   "You tell 'em" he smirked.
   "Shut up"
   "He's a wannabe jock whose girlfriend couldn't remember his name, Tyler!"
     Tyler walked down the dock, beaming hopefully at Lindsay.
"Oh hi! Um— Ty- no. Taylor? No no no, it was more like, TRENT!" She smiled, thinking she was right.
Tyler sighed. "Close enough."
"She's insane in the brain and— well that's really it. Izzy!"
Izzy hopped onto the dock acting like a gorilla. "That's Bananzers to you, fools! Haha!" She crawled down towards Owen, who looked just as confused as Lindsay had been.
"She's a reformed geek with a boyfriend too good to be true— Beth!"
Lindsay turned around confused. "I thought you were staying home?"
"No silly! I couldn't leave you to win France by yourself! Strength in numbers, remember?" Beth lisped with her retainer. Both girls squealed in excitement before Chris continued.
"He's a Justin Bieber wannabe with a complicated relationship, it's Trent!"
Gwen stiffened when Trent stood next to her, flinching even when he raised his hand to rub his neck.
"Hey, Gwen." Trent shuffled his feet.
"Hey Trent." Gwen played with the bottom of her skirt, avoiding eye contact.
"She's a real-life Regina George with none of the plastic, it's Heather!"
Heather didn't address any of the cast as she walked down to the end of the dock.
"Not even a hello?" Duncan shrugged.
"I'm trying to stay entirely focused this season, so shut your pie hole!" Heather spit out.
"And finally, he's a master of many trades except for Heather, Alejandro!"
Heather choked on air as Alejandro strolled down, grinning at each competitor. She avoided looking at him until he grabbed her arm and flashed a smile she had fallen for before.
"Hola, mi amor." Heather groaned as she shook him off her.
"We are NOT rehashing this, Ale-hell-dro!" Heather huffed as she turned to face Chris.
"Wowwww. Barely into the season and I have enough drama to feed a family of four for a month? See, I knew it was the right idea having you kids back." Chris beamed, pulling into a group hug.
"What? So you can abuse us for monetary profit?" Noah countered.
"Sometimes I think you would've made a better lawyer than assistant." Chris dropped everyone before turning to face the camera. "And that's the gang! When we come back, will Duncney unite over a hatred for Gwen? Will Heather's plan of focus work around Ale-HUNK-dro? And will Iz-Bananzers continue being this crazy? All this and more after these messages!"
    "Welcome back to Total Drama: Redo!" Chris walked into the island with the cast in tow.
     "Now because of lawsuits and TV rules and all that fun-ruining stuff, we actually have to—" Chris grimaced as he spoke. "Be— I can't say it, Chef would you mind?" Chris asked as he approached the annoyed man.
     "We gotta be softer than what we've done in the past, aka no life-threatening stuff, because Chris can't afford another lawsuit from Courtney." Chef said in a monotone voice.
    "Yea, thanks Courtney." Chris said sarcastically, shooting daggers at her with his eyes.
    "You pushed me out of a plane!"
   "Anyways, two teams again! A boys cabin and a girls cabin, AND a relaxing mansion for the winning team of each challenge." Chris flipped through his script cards. "Blah blah blah, eliminations, Dock of Shame, yadda yadda ya, OH!" He looked up towards the group with a shit-faced grin.
     "For those of us who did World Tour, who remembers the surprise reward challenges? There WILL be a vote every night, but depending on how I feel that day, there may or may not be an elimination." A sea of groaning came from everyone.
    "Argh, what's even the point? Are you gonna play back the footage of who's voting who or something?" Heather complained.
    "What a suggestion! Thanks Heather!" Chris smiled appreciatively towards her, making her roll her eyes.
    "Outhouse still has the confessional camera, blah blah blah, yeah I think we're good." Chris nodded while tossing the script away. "Time to make teams!"
    "Let's start off with the Grimacing Gargoyles. Your team includes:
and Leshawna."
    Sierra frowned. "I'm not on the same team as Cody???"
<<<<<< arrows mean confessional>>>>>>
Sierra cried out loud. "I barely survived All-Stars without my Cody-Wody, and now I'm supposed to do that all again?" She sobbed loudly.

Gwen looked disappointed. "Okay listen, I know me and Trent are in a weird place. But is it bad I wanted to be on the same team as him?"

Tyler smirked optimistically. "If I'm on the same team as Lindsay, she's gotta remember me!"
"And now for the Disappointint Dingos! Your team consists of:
and Alejandro."
Heather screamed in frustration. "I'm going to be honest, Alejandro does have a way of distracting me. I hate to admit it, but it's true. GAH!"

Alejandro chuckled. "This team works well to my advantage! Courtney and Duncan will come to me and Heather to eliminate Gwen quickly, which I will accept. Beth and Cody are weak and don't need much work, but Owen only needs a little push to be sent home. Duncan and Courtney might just take themselves out, and that only leaves Heather, who I am confident I can beat in a rematch for the million. It all fits together like a rompecabeza."

Duncan shrugged. "As I see it, I don't have much on this team. Alejandro and Heather are too worried about each other to care about anything else, Cody is too distracted by Sierra, Beth only got to the finale because we teamed up, I'm kicking Gwen out ASAP, and Courtney and I aren't in the best of situations, which leaves..."
Duncan walked over to Owen in a casual, friendly manner. "Teammates huh? Isn't that just neat?"
Owen blinked. "It is huh! Say, you wouldn't happen to have any pre-existing alliances, would you?"
"Starting afresh." Duncan grinned maliciously. "Hey, why don't we work together? I have a few ideas if we have to vote tonight, and I need someone to share a bunk with."
"I'd love that!" Owen smiled innocently, fully unaware of Duncan's true motives.
While everyone was walking to their cabins, Duncan stopped Courtney.
"Don't give me a speech, help me vote off Gwen."
"I was already planning on it." Courtney shrugged off the goth. "Now leave me alone unless you're here to apologize."
Duncan kept walking beside her. "I have a new alliance with Owen, if we can get Cody or Beth to-"
"THERE IS NO WE, DUNCAN!" Courtney yelled in his face.
Duncan stood there in silence awkwardly while Courtney spoke. "Sorry, but stop using we. We are not a team, friends, or anything else. I'm making my own alliances, so have fun with Owen." Courtney sped up to catch up with... Heather. Of course.
Duncan sighed in frustration. "2v3 isn't going to be good in a voting situation, I need to find a new alliance and fast."

Confusion was stained on Owen's face. "It's unlike Duncan to be so nice to anyone ever. I'm going to play along with it, but I'm backing out if it looks shady."

Annoyance is one way to describe Courtney. "Okay, so maybe I liked that Duncan tried to team up with me, but I can't do it! Besides, Heather and Alejandro are a package deal when it comes to early alliances, and they're powerful allies during the early challenges."

Heather shrugged. "So me and Courtney are working together, and I think she assumes Alejandro? I'm unfortunately expecting Alejandro to approach me before our first vote, so that holds up. Courtney is tricky to work with, and I have little faith that she won't dump me for Duncan."

Alejandro grinned devilishly. "And once again, I wait like a crocodilo, a devilishly handsome, crocodilo"
Pt 2 will be posted sometimes within the next week I hope

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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