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The wall I build is more of a fortress around me than a simple brick wall, the cement that holds it together is the belief that I am not worth adoration or affection, it is strong and almost unbreakable. The wall is built high enough that I don't bother to try and see the world that is possible beyond. Each brick a painful memory that are apart of me, in that way the wall is everything that was done to me, a constant reminder to never allow myself to feel that way again. I promised to never let myself feel anything more than touch and taste of another person, I can't handle anymore than that.

Jake threatened that, that small spark I felt threatened to blaze until I was forced to tear down my wall to get to him. To tear down the wall would mean exposing the deepest of my secrets, and no one deserves that. The weight of my past is mine alone to carry, no matter how it could be to share the load. 


My locker is bare, empty unlike the ones around me, I cannot help but catch a glace at an open locker to see what they hold dear, they are covered with pictures and stickers, their high school collage, plastered to the safe walls of their metal lockers. I would give anything to feel that comfortable again.

I have mastered the art of coming across as strong and sweet, sweet enough to gain attention but strong enough to escape advances. I didn't realize that this combination is a time bomb slowly ticking down to zero. The cold interior I hide behind a smile seems to taunt people, as if it's an invitation to test my limits.  

I make my way to class, weaving through a sea of people. I turn to see an emptier hallway, only to come to face my least favorite type of people, jocks. By the look of their ridiculous team jackets, I am going to assume they are hockey players, the worst type of jock, from my experience.  

A tall, blonde, with a flat brim cap rakes his eyes a long my body, sending an uncomfortable shudder down my spine. Its a look I have seen before, it's a look of hunger from a predator sizing up his prey. A flash of memory pushes its way to the front of my thoughts, trapped against a wall, struggling to escape as my hands are pinned above me, fear masked as anger coursing through me.

"Hello there, where have you been hiding sexy momma?"

I can feel the bile threatening to climb my throat, but instead it is replaced by anger on my tongue, "do I look like your fucking mother?" My eyes land on his with a steady, cold glare.. one that takes all my courage. I am not backing down, not this time. 

"No, thank God for that" his eyes are planted on my chest as he speaks, not even the general curtesy to pretend he isn't objectifying me.

"Fuck off." I hiss, I go to move around him only to feel a hand grip my arm. I rip it out of his grasp before he can tighten it. "Don't touch me." I yell, much louder than I expected.

"Is there a problem here?" a stern, welcoming voice hit my ear as I am instinctively back away to put space between myself and the blonde haired jackass in front of me. I look behind him to see Jake, Sal, Luke, and Chase walking towards us. 

"No, just getting to know the new girl, mind your business Jake" The blonde barks, eyes still on me.

I move to the other side of the hall quickly leaving a few feet of space, before I can think of moving anymore Jake had stood in front of me, acting as a human shield. 

"Back off, Dan!" Jake's voice is strong, bold and coated with a threatening tone.

"Didn't know she had already been claimed by the stoners?" Dan laughs as he gestures to me standing behind Jake.

"She isn't a fucking piece of property you dick." Jake growls. 

"Whatever" Dan and his followers move around Jake, as they all take one last look at my, "We'll see you around." My chest tightens as the words fall from Dan's mouth followed by a wink. A shiver courses my body as I shake the experience from my body, standing up straight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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