An Unforgettable Night

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"What?" I repeat myself.

"You never said what my friends signed me up for."

He steps into the elevator, letting the doors close behind him. As we start to descend, I playfully smirk. "That's why you chased me down the hallway?"

He gives me half a smile. "I wouldn't say chased. More like quickly followed."

"So, you sprinted," I say.


"Jogged," I counter.


"Face it. You ran." I grin, knowing I'm right.

He shakes his head with a laugh. "Does it matter?"

I shrug one shoulder, then decide to confess. "Your friends signed you up for dinner."


"Dinner. You know, where you go out to a restaurant and eat food."

Tristan's jaw drops. "It was only dinner and you left?"

"It didn't seem like you wanted me to stay."

The elevator dings, stopping at the lobby level. The doors open, revealing a group of passengers who await our space. Tristan turns and holds the door back with one hand, letting me exit first and then following. "Thanks," I say.

"You're welcome."

We make it a few steps across the marbled floor before he speaks. "Listen."

I stop walking and face him.

"I didn't realize –"

A couple walks by and he reaches for my elbow, steering me to a more secluded spot by a wooden column. "I didn't realize they hired you for something so tame. You made it sound –"

"Pornographic?" I cut him off.

The side of his mouth twitches, like he's trying to suppress a smile. "You said it, not me."

I laugh. "I was teasing you. You seemed uncomfortable but curious. I couldn't help myself."

Tristan smirks. "Well, thanks for that."

"For what?"

"Putting thoughts in my head that shouldn't be there."

Hmm. I was right about him imagining me without my dress. Why shouldn't he think dirty thoughts? I mean, it's only natural. He's a young, attractive guy.

Suddenly, heat blooms over my skin, taking me by surprise. I haven't felt that flutter in a long time. It feels foreign. Nice, but foreign.

From the back of my mind, a small voice chastises me. Fern. You have a job to do.

Right. Pushing my fuzzy feelings aside, I tip my head. "Why shouldn't your thoughts be there? You said your friends wanted you back in the game. Are you considering a religious order or something?"

He snickers. "No."

"So, you don't want to be a priest?"

"Not last I checked."

"Well, then," I lean casually against the column, "there's nothing wrong with being temporarily attracted to someone."

Tristan's eyes narrow as he studies me.

"I take it you disagree?"

He shakes his head no.

"Then what are you hung up on?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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