Missing them

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One week later at 14 PM:
*You're really tired today*
*You're having a cry day*
(A cry day is when you cry for everything)
*Pietro picks you up because you're crying again*
Pietro: what's wrong?
*You lay your head on his shoulder and just cry onto him*
*Pietro kisses your head*
Pietro: what's wrong?
Y/n: I want mommy and daddy...
Pietro: i know you want them.
Y/n: why did they had to leave?...
Pietro: they had a lot of pain. Sometimes if the pain gets to much they have to leave us. Even if we don't want that.
Y/n: I want them back...
*You cry harder*
Y/n: I want mommy and daddy...
Pietro: we all do.
Y/n: I'm scared...
Pietro: from what are you scared?
Y/n: I don't know but I'm scared...
Pietro: everything is fine. You don't have to be scared. Do you want to play a game?
Y/n: okay.
*You stop crying*
Pietro: we're gonna race! The one who's first upstairs wins.
Y/n: okay.
*Pietro places you on the ground*
Pietro: 3! 2! 1! Go!
*You and Pietro start running*
*You're first so you win the race*
Y/n: I'm first! Yes!

At 18 PM:
*Everyone is eating except you*
Wanda: come on sweetheart. You have to eat something.
*You just lean back in your chair and don't say anything*
Wanda: do you want something else to eat than pasta?
Y/n: no...
Wanda: why aren't you eating?
Y/n: because I'm not hungry...
Wanda: can you at least try to eat something?
Y/n: no!...
Wanda: then what do you want?
Y/n: mommy and daddy...
Wanda: they're not here Y/n. You have to eat even if they're not here.
Y/n: no!...
*Wanda looks at Pietro, not knowing what to say*
*Pietro picks you up and walks away with you*
Pietro: come with me. You're tired. Let's get you to bed.
*You start crying because you're tired and still don't really understand that your parents are dead*
Y/n: no!... no!... NO!...
*Pietro walks inside your room with you*
*He lays you down on your bed*
(You're already wearing your pj's)
Pietro: just try to go to sleep. Okay? I'll see you in the morning.
*He walks out of the room and closes the door*
*You start crying even more*
Y/n: mommy!... daddy!...

10 minutes later:
Wanda: what do we do now?
Pietro: i don't know.
Wanda: I'll go try to check on her and calm her down.
*Wanda goes to your room and walks inside*
*She picks you up and walks through the room with you*
Wanda: what's wrong today?
Y/n: mommy...
Wanda: I know that you want her. But I'm here for you. We can have fun without mommy and daddy. Pietro and I will take care of you.
Y/n: why not mommy and daddy?...
Wanda: they will take care of you again after a lot of years. You'll see them again but not in the next few years.
Y/n: really?...
Wanda: yes. After maybe 80 years? You will see them again but just not now. Another time.
Y/n: I miss mommy and daddy...
Wanda: me too. And Pietro also does. We all do.
Y/n: would mommy and daddy miss us too?...
Wanda: of course they miss us! They just can't come back and tell us but I just know that they do. I can feel it.
Y/n: how do you feel it?...
Wanda: mostly when I go to sleep I have a feeling in my tummy that says that mommy and daddy miss us. And that they want to come back but can't. But the most important thing is that we all know that they miss us.

10 minutes later:
*You've calmed down in Wanda's arms*
Y/n: Wanda?
Wanda: yes.
Y/n: what are we gonna do tomorrow?
Wanda: we're going to the play doctor.
(A play doctor is a doctor who plays with kids who are having a hard time or things like that. Just like a psychologist but then for kids)
Y/n: what's the play doctor gonna do?
Wanda: she will play with you and then she will talk to me because I'm coming with you.
Y/n: no shots?
Wanda: no. Play doctors don't give shots. Play doctors play with the kids and have a talk with them.
Y/n: about what do they talk?
Wanda: about what you want to talk. Sometimes they can ask you how you feel when you're playing or how you feel at home. Or what you like to do during the day.
Y/n: is a play doctor nice?
Wanda: they're really nice. You don't have to worry. You'll see it all tomorrow. Now another question. Do you still want to eat something?
*Your stomach starts growling*
Wanda: I think that the little lion inside there says yes.
*She tickles your stomach which causes you to giggle*
Wanda: let's go get something to eat for this little tummy.
*Wanda takes you back to the dinning room*
Steve: everything alright?
Wanda: are you feeling better Y/n?
*You nod your head*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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