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Megan POV:

"Come on, we're going in 30 minutes so you better be ready then!" Alyssa yelled as she stormed into my room. "Okay, I will be ready in 30." I plugged my phone in my charger and stepped in the shower. Yesterday i bought a beautiful green dress that i could wear tonight. When i felt refreshed i stepped out of the shower, changed into my dress and did my basic make-up look. I decided to curl my hair and put it in a loose ponytail. "I'm ready" I yelled as i walked down the stairs. "We will leave in 5 minutes" Alyssa said. I put on some sneakers cause i know i won't survive a whole night on heels. "Okay let's go."

Alyssa and I arrived at the club. We hang up our coats and went to the bar to order drinks. "So what are your plans for tommorow?" she asked me. "I'll have to work tommorow morning but i'm free at 12 pm, so i guess i will go home and sort some things out and clean the house, nothing special actually, you?" We continued our chat when i noticed a guy in the corner of the room, He was chatting with a few people, suddendly he looked at my direction and i quickly looked away knowing i was caught. "Who are you staring at?" Alyssa asked as she looked behind her finding the guy is was looking at. "No one" I quickly replied. "He's hot" she said. "I'm sorry what?" "The guy you were staring at, he's hot" she said again. "I wasn't staring, I just looked around" I answered. Alyssa knew me well enough to know i was lying. "Whatever, I'm gonna dance" she said as she walked away. I took my phone out of my purse and scrolled a bit on instagram. "Two martini's, please" i heard someone say, i turned around, facing him.

"Hi, im George" He said while looking at me. I could see his brown eyes sparkle as i admired his face. "I'm Megan" I replied. "Well, you look really beautifull Megan, are you here alone?" I blushed at the compliment. "Thanks, No i'm with my best friend but she's probably kissing guys right now" He let out a small laugh. We continued our conversation and ordered a few more drinks but it was getting late and since i had to work tommorow i didn't want to make it to late. "It was really nice meeting you Megan" George said. "Thanks for this nice evening George" I replied as I stood up to find Alyssa.

After I found Alyssa on the dancefloor kissing a guy we went home. I took a shower and went to bed but I couldn't really fall asleep. All I could think about was George

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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