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After a few minutes of awkward silence, the boy across from me started talking.

"Sooo, Bella right?" asked the brown haired boy

"Yeah. Niabella actually, but everyone calls me Bella." I reply slowly

"Well Bella, my name is Lorenzo but my friends call me Enzo, and this is Mattheo" he says nodding towards the black haired boy next to me. 

I gazed over at the boy. He was pretty, very pretty. He had jet black hair that only just covered his eyebrows, it was fluffy like a cloud, he had dark brown eyes and long ass eyelashes. (I was jealous). There was a small scar across the bridge of his nose and quite a big one above his eyebrow-

"Hello" the boy says aggressively, while waving his hand in front of my face

"Oh. hi, sorry." you say apologetically moving your head to face Enzo.

You quickly grab some food and start eating feeling very insecure as if someone was watching you. Not giving a second notice. You finish your food and slowly start to stand up, sitting right back down when Enzo grabs your hand.

"Where are you going?" Enzo asks removing his hand from on top of yours

"Umm. I need to um, go grab my bags." I say "yep. bags" I say again quietly

"Cmon Niabella, you grew up in a rich family, you know better than most of us, other people will take them for you." Pansy says from down the table scoffing when finishing.

"What the hell is your problem?" "huh" you shout standing up. "What have I done to make you act like a bitch, I don't even know you!" you shout not removing eye contact with Pansy. You walk down towards Pansy shoving the girl facing her out of your way, and slamming your hands just in front of her frightened face.

"You haven't.. You did nothing.. Its fine I'm sorry" Pansy replies stuttering

"Well then shut up, stop eavesdropping and get your smug bitch face out of it. yeah?" you shout again getting closer to her with very break.

She stays silent, looking at her plate.

Everyone else had gone silent too, people who were leaving the hall had stopped and turned facing all the commotion.

"hmm. Not got much to say now do you." rolling your eyes and walking away.

"Niabella." your father says

"Yes father" you reply, stopping in your tracks and walking up the stairs to his level.

Reaching into his robe pocket and holding it in your face. "Is this yours?" your father asked, it was a blue smoker lighter. Only a little fuel left.

"Uhh. umm yes." "where did you find it?" you asked in a concerned tone, taking the lighter from his pale hands.

"It was in the carriage, Forbes just dropped it off." silence

"Why do you have a lighter Niabella?" your father asked, raising his voice slightly.

"Um.. I umm.." I stutter

silence again

"Are you going to answer, or am I going to have to search you to find the reason you have one in your possession?" your father asks standing up with his hands rested on the table, giving him balance.

You laugh, crossing your arms and looking at your father. "You really think I would smoke, c'mon now. I respect my breathing more than that." you say scarcely

"Well how do you explain having a fucking lighter Niabella!" you father shouts

Standing back and unfolding your arms, you look at him and then at your grandfather. "I was just gonna tell you, I have candles with me..." you say innocently

Everyone was all looking at you, you felt like crying into a bucket and pouring it all over your dad's head.

"Oh." your father says embarrassed "right, of course." "silly me" he says again, straightening his robs and tucking his chair in. "run along now Niabella" he says walking off to the door behind him to the left.

Whispers came from every direction of the hall.

"Oh my god, he's crazy" "such a toxic father" "i feel bad for her."

Walking down the great hall past all the tables, people who were standing in the way moved to the side just staring at you.

You get to the hall doors and they open, you walk out and to your bag everyone is still staring. You grab your bag and kneel down next to it. In the side pocket you grab a cardboard box and quickly place it in your pocket.


I felt kind of bad for her. She was only trying to be nice to me and I shot her down quicker than I have anyone before. I ignored her and snapped at her. I was awful.

I swung my legs round the bench and stood up.

"Where are you off mate?" asked Enzo

"For a cig, see you in the common room?" you reply quietly

"Yeah sure, you got a pack or do you want mine?" he asked

"Nah it's good I have my own" you wink

You start walking down the hall towards the door, when a nippy annoyed voice is calling your "name"

"Oh my god, Matty!"



*fuck my life* you thought

"Lucy." you say turning round to the short girl

The blonde girl grabs my arms and pulls me into a tight hug.

Lucinda Tumble. Senior Gryffindor. Think everyone likes her, including me. I don't.

Her blonde hair flying its way into my mouth making me cough and splutter.

"Matty! I haven't seen you in soooo long." she says in her high pitched annoyed ass voice

"Well we have been on holiday so that would do it." you say already wanting to kill myself

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaa ha ha" laughed Lucy "Matty you're so funny I can't" she says after laughing

"I didn't even say anything funny" you murmur rolling your eyes and staring over at Enzo who was laughing his head off.

'I'm going to kill myself' you mouth to him, he laughed and looked away. Cursing him in my mind.

"So Matty did you see all the commotion earlier with that new girl. I can already tell she's going to be a bitch." she says looking at her nails

"Hmmm" you agree and start walking away

"Oh bye then Matty! I'll see you later, yeah?" Lucy calls, you ignore her and walk out the hall.


~First ever story, sooooo don't be mean but, you can help me with spelling and or punctuation as I'm in bottom set English for school so, yeah sorta explains it all. if your from tiktok I love you soooo much, if your not you can check it out??? eh maybe think about it, also don't forget to VOTE~

tiktok- edits75328

words- 1062

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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