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𝕬t this point, your bag lazily in your hand and barely clutching it, you had no idea what to do other than to follow the man who drained you dry. Your ceo, who had not said a whole word to you on your way back to his office, pulled his keys out of his pants pocket and unlocked his office doors.

You had never seen his office before and never would've cared too, but currently you had no choice as he ushered for you to sit down on the lavish sofa at the right of his work desk.

"Now. . ." He trailed off, sitting in his high end swivel chair as he lit another cigarette between his lips. "Are you ready to listen to me. I want your full attention, sweetheart."

With your hands in your lap along with your bag, you sat it next to you and fiddled with your fingers after its absence. You were nervous and terrified, not knowing what to say or do in this situation.

"Answer me now, (Y/n)." Your ceo spoke, taking an inhale of his cigarette before hitting it on the ash tray at the right of his desk. "I'm getting impatient. I want to hear you respond to me, not this dreary rain on the office windows."

"O-Ok. I'm listening, Mr. Fushiguro." You tried to not stumble on your own words, but that was a task within itself as you looked at the intimidating man sitting at his desk, eyeing you down with indescribable hunger.

"First off all. . ." Mr. Fushiguro spoke, putting an important looking document on his desk before pulling a quill pen and ink out of the same drawer. "Call me Toji. We are going to be on a first name basis, after all."

A chill went down your spine from his words, your hands clenching together instead of fiddling with each other as you looked anxiously upon the paper he was revising.

"Second, come here." Toji ordered, motioning to the right seat out of the two in front of his desk, his eyes drifting away from the paper and onto you. "Now. Don't test my patience, (Y/n). After today, it's running short."

All you could do was shake your head in agreement and get up from the sofa, walking in a quick pace towards his desk as you sat down in the chair he instructed you to sit in.

"Now, look up at me." Your ceo demanded, and without control over your body, you did exactly what was asked of you. "You are to sign this paper. You may only ask what it is after you sign it, and without question you will follow what this document orders of you. Do you understand?"

You shook your head up and down, taking the quill drenched in ink into your hand as you signed the paper without hesitation. Your body leaning over his desk, the papers writing glowed in red after you finished the last stroke of your signature, your mind in awe from what you were witnessing.

Immediately after taking the pen away from you, Toji rolled up the paper and put it away in a locked drawer, the key disappearing in the pocket of his pants.

"Now that the documentation is finished. . ." Toji mumbled against a new cigarette between his lips, lighting it. "You are free to ask questions now. I'll answer within my ability, without telling you too much."

As if your throat had been under siege, it felt free again as your hand made its way to the base of your neck, your eyes watering with tears.

"What did you make me sign, Toji?" You questioned, looking up at him as the smoke left his lips, which were curled into a smirk.

𝕻𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐘   𖤐   𝕿𝐎𝐉𝐈Where stories live. Discover now