The Beginning In The End

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"Ranboo! Do you have your books?" I called, peering around the purple doorway.

The crow perched on my shoulder squawked, digging it's small talons into my shirt for a better grip as I ducked through the slightly-too-short doorway.

The tall boy jolted in surprise, smacking his head on the underside of his desk with a sharp thud. He eased himself out from underneath the table, sheepishly looking towards me. 

The teen looked like the fusion of two creatures, the right half of his skin a pitch black like an enderman while the left was a bright snowy white. The split continued through his hair, two straight horns poking up through the fluffy long hair that he currently had pulled back into a braid, even showing up on the little tuft of fur he had at the end of his tail that was curled on top of his legs.. Long pointed ears flicked in annoyance as he gingerly reached up to touch the spot he just bumped, his red and green eyes narrowed in pain. Tear scars trailed down his cheeks, carving winding paths down his dual-colored skin, just pale enough to obvious, much like his purple freckles. He wore a black turtleneck and brown pants, a yellow paper crown sat on the ground next to him, small faux gems that had been messily glued on glinting in the soft light the end rod on his desk gave off.

"Ow..." He muttered, rubbing the back of his head. He glanced up at me, looking worried. I shifted my gaze slightly off to the side to avoid full eye contact.

"Oh, hey mom. I...I can't seem to remember where I put them." He held the back of his head gingerly, his eyes sweeping the room.

"Hah! Ranboo go bonk!" The crow cried, cackling as Ranboo glared sharply at him.

"Sush, you." I chided the bird with a light flick, before turning my attention back to the hybrid teen.

"That's alright, Boo. Did you check your enderchest?" I asked. His eyes widened before he smacked his forehead with his palm.

", I didn't." He grumbled with an annoyed huff. I let a soft chuckle escape as he opened his enderchest, pulling out three small bound books. He held them up so I could see, a triumphant smile spread across his face.

"Ranboo is a big idiot." the crow squawked mockingly, only to get a rock chucked at him. He cawed to show his disapproval, leaping into the air and flying off.

"I can't wait until I don't have to deal with him anymore." Ranboo pouted, grabbing his satchel and cramming the books haphazardly inside.

"I know. Is everything else packed?" I asked with a laugh. He nodded cautiously, digging through his enderchest a bit more to make sure.

"Good. Put your armor on, you're going to want it when we get to the overworld." I reminded him. He nodded, grabbing the half-complete set of armor.

"We're going to get me more armor, right?" He asked sheepishly, holding up the netherite chestplate and the leggings he had.

"Definitely. That's the first thing we are going to do." I reached up, ruffling his dual-colored hair. He smiled softly, batting my hand away with a playful enderman chirp. I helped him strap on the armor, checking the durability and making sure all the enchantments had been carved in properly.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait for you to show me all the things you experienced in the overworld!" He babbled with a grin. I laughed, nodding. "Can we go now?"

"Sure." I picked up my satchel, checking through to make sure I had my weapons, a boat, extra food and all of my supplies.

I beckoned Ranboo to follow me, and we made our way down the end city. I waved to a couple other of the city dwellers, ducking under a sleeping shulker as we made it outside. The frigid, dark void surrounding us made me miss the vibrant colors and the ever-changing temperature and scenery of the overworld even more. Everything in the End was purple, black and a pale yellow, even the sky having a violet hue, giving it a dark, dismal and foreboding chill. 

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