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"Lea, enough is enough. I am suffocating in this relationship, I am constantly drowning. I don't even know you anymore."

Simon let out a sigh before continuing.

"I- I'm seeing someone else..."

"I know."


"Every night you come home smelling like a victoria's secret perfume or with a hickey on your neck which you ALWAYS tell me that it was JUST a burn when in fact, it wasn't, I see lip stains on your shirt. How stupid can you be? How naive do you think I am?"

Tears were running down Lea's cheek. She wanted to keep it together, she didn't want to make him think she was fragile, and that she can live without him. The truth is, she can't. How can you live without the love of your life?

"Answer me this, are you happier with her?" 


"Do you love her more than you love me?"

"I- I don't know."

"It's a yes or no question, Simon"

"I don't know, Lea. I really don't"

"As long as you're happier with her, then I'm letting you go. I can't force you to stay when you're not happy anymore. It doesn't work that way. In the next five days, you will be receiving emails I sent weeks ago, why? I bet you don't even remember since you're busy screwing with someone else. It would have been our 5th anniversary five days from now and on that same day, you'll be having your surgery. Do me a favor and just please read them?"

After that, she was gone, she disappeared just like that. Emails started coming in but still no sign from her. 

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