Chapter 18; TW major blood and death

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I tug and pull, not being able to screech out loud, Appledusk couldn't hear me, "get off my mate!" The voice I heard shocked me

like lightning, it had been Nettlepaw, pressure seemed as if to float off me, I twisted my head as I saw Nettlepaw

batting a sleek white she-cat, it was Ice, toppling and slipping on my paws again, I landed on Ice tearing at her ears viciously until she

wailed and tumbled off, "get up Nettlepaw! Mapleshade will  be here soon!" I let the hurt tom lean on my shoulder as we

both limp off, but before we could reach a centimeter away, Mapleshade grabbed me by the scruff and pulled me away,

"not so fast you little brat!"

"I'm a RiverClan Warrior! Let me go!" At that instant, I twisted and turned as if being pulled away by a river in a storm.

"no your not! Your just a weak Apprentice with a filthy mentor!" Mapleshade sunk her teeth into my scruff and

threw me off, into a tree I went, my gaze grew blurry, but I kept up, hoping Nettlepaw was okay.

"Perchpaw?" I heard cats from the gathering call, "Nettlepaw!"

From pain, I strained, a tear oozing down my face, "A-Appledusk! Someone save us!" I managed to squeak,

I can't let Mapleshade and Ice win! The cats of the Gathering must help us!

I felt sick to my stomach, but stayed up and ran to Nettlepaw, he was gasping and breathing heavily from a deep gash on the back of his

neck, suddenly, the scent of Appledusk and Reedshine wreaths around me, I open my eyes to see them right in front of me,

nudging Nettlepaw up, and licking his hard wound, "who did this to you?"

Managing to whisper, I answered with, "Mapleshade."

"did someone call me?" I turn my gaze to the ragged tortoiseshell she-cat, with Ice at her side.

"Mapleshade! You did this to my son--" Appledusk strained, face tomato red in embarrassment. "ha!" Ice cackled

annoyingly, "you did this to Perchpaw and Nettlepaw, and so many more! Go before your dead!"

"Not before me and Ice demolish the clans, rule them, you'll live under our directions! The ones who wrong us will die!"

"not on my watch!" Nettlepaw snaps.

"Nettlepaw dear brother, don't tell me such nonsense, your only 11 moons old." Mapleshade scoffed.

I stare at Mapleshade, anger filled my gaze, but before I could speak, Appledusk interrupted me, "that doesn't matter, Nettlepaw

is loyal of RiverClan, not ThunderClan or you anymore,"

I scented other cats coming near behind us. I stood my ground at the rogues.

Mapleshade flicked her amber gaze at Reedshine, I bushed my tail and craned my neck a bit, unsheathing my claws

to protect the expecting she-cat.

"Reedshine!" Ice snapped, the fur along her spine bristled, "you've been disloyal for life!"

The white she-cat was about to leap to Reedshine, but Mapleshade bit down at her tail, "back off kit! Let me handle this!"

Mapleshade flung Ice into a thicket of brambles, then her eyes blazed at us, "time to die dream team! Only shade can kill a Nettle, and ice

can freeze a perch!" Mapleshade's haunches lifted, I braced myself for attack, but a flash of brown stepped in front,

Appledusk! Don't do this! You'll die! Please, your my mentor, like a father to me!

I crept by his side, Nettlepaw next to me, I felt a pang of pride as they were both standing before me. Then

I felt Reedshine brush against my pelt, Reedshine can't attack!" I bit back the words to

tell her to leave, but her determined eyes made the words die in my mouth.

At that moment, Mapleshade jerked her head back, and then back to us. Before I knew it, Mapleshade had already lunged at us,

her claws aiming for Reedshine's belly, it felt as if time had slowed down, with a pang of

fear, I did what my instincts told me, fight. I leaped in front of Mapleshade, claws unsheathed, teeth baring,

muscles tensing. But Appledusk's scent and fur flashed before my eyes, and the tang of blood reeked in the air.

Appledusk! No! No! No! I landed on the ground with a smash, the dirt before me staining my paws. Appledusk? Reedshine? Nettlepaw?

Slowly but surely, I stand up, fearing to open my eyes.

Eventually I did, and what I saw, made my heart skip a beat, and eyes water instantly, Appledusk was on the ground, blood

pulsing down a sharp wound on his throat, his eyes were teary, dull and pupils looking to the night sky.

Murmurs of fear rose from the clearing, I looked at my surroundings, tears flowing from my eyes to my cheeks, it landed in Appledusk's

fur, I set a paw on his cold body, "no! No! NOOO!!!" I let out a loud shriek of everything that happened, Reedshine's

kitting, Mapleshade's murder spree, and Appledusk's...death.

Nettlepaw sat beside me, his pelt brushing against mine, he was full of tears, so much that his face was reddish with

emotion, and his teeth were bared with regret, "Appledusk! No! Why did it have to be you?" Reedshine

yowled tearfully, she nuzzled his cheek, I wipe my tears, turning to Mapleshade.

"out." I growled firmly, Nettlepaw turned as well, moral gray in his teal gaze, "neve-"

"out." Reedshine hissed, "go forever! You''ve done something worse then any proud warrior could've done, now go

with Ice or we'll rip your ears off!" Reedshine's tone grew louder as she went, so

loud Mapleshade stepped back.

"you've killed my mentor!" With a sudden strong surge of anger, I leaped at Mapleshade, landing on her back, clawing at her

shoulders angrily, "ThunderClan attack!" I heard Oakstar's voice sound from behind.

I was knocked down, chest aching from a long scratch across it, in an instant, more cats came

attacking the huge she-cat, biting and clawing at her flank, "!" Mapleshade mumbled before being knocked down,

"RiverClan! Attack!" Darkstar yowled, more cats came.

I managed to give Mapleshade a claw on the back before being flung backward, I leaped back, Nettlepaw was

gnawing at her tail, tearing fur off and ripping at her ears upward, I leaped to his side,

with all our strength, we managed to knock down Mapleshade, letting Reedshine blow at her neck....

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