somewhat new friend

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Alone.  A girl walks with purple hair and her bangs grown out while being pulled back by a hair tie. She wore a purple and black dress with a black lace and fishnets. What was so necessary to wear this I mean its not very cold but she didn't really have any clothes and who knew when the weather cold change.

She in a forest she knew who she was, Raven. She didn't remember her life and why she was outside where she is, the sound of her walking on dead stopped as she is blinded by something reflecting the sun. she discovers a broken glass on the ground, as she picks up the shredded glass she a small sound from one of the bushes blood gushes out from her hand "AHH" the glass slipped from her hand her hand ached from the pain like she couldn't remember ever before, literally though.

She stood up fast trying to ignore her hand for the current time and tried to atleast get in some type of stance for fighting or self defense. She stood there then deciding to pick up a stick and throw it at the bush ok problably not a good idea there could be an animal there harmless or dangerous it could just be the wind, that actually would not make sense since the bush was only a couple feet away from her.

"OW" a high pitched voice shrieked behind the bush. Ravens shoulders dropped in half relief that there was someone but still not at ease because there was someone, someone who could hurt her. She slowly stepped closer to the bush and peered over it to find somewhat a familiar girl with curly mint green and dark teal with purple, lavender highlights? She had blue-ish teal eyes?

The girl was sitting on the ground rubbing her head where now a bit of a scratch had been at. The curly haired girl looked up at her "sorry for spying on you" she smiled a bit "but ya know you looked lost"

"you know where we're at" raven said with an eager and hopeful smile.

"Nope but I know someone who does" raven raised an eyebrow her smile downsided "Ok but do you know where their at?" The girl have an unanswered look "well that really depends on if she's still there or not" Raven sighed and let out a hand "im Raven, Raven Queen" the girl smiled bigger this time and grabbed her hand " thats a hunky-dory name mine is Madeline, Madeline hatter" familiar quite familiar actually "can I call you maddie for short? I mean if its ok with you".

"Yea sure that be just fine" raven looked at the scratchon her head "I'm sorry for throwing a stick at you earlier" raven had a half smile "its totally a-okay and again I was "spying" on you sorry about that" her finger motioned quotes. "do you have any idea on how to find her?"

"Well like I said it really just depend on if she's still there but in this case yes I do remember where may be at" she started walking, well skipping. Maddie was actually a pretty joyful and cheerful person, Raven thought to herself while trying to catch up to her. "How long do you think until we find this person"

Maddie giggled "I don't know" she smiled, "what-" Raven held a shocked face, I mean what does she mean she doesn't know shouldn't you always count time after you met another human being while even being lost in the woods. "I. Don't. Know." Raven face palmed and sighed well this is gonna be one heck of a walk.

A few hours later

"Did you know there are narrators watching us eight now?" Raven held a very exhausted face wondering if she was more tired from all the questions Maddie had up her sleeve or from walking "uh huh"Raven examined the spot they just stepped it looks... familiar. Omg were in the same spot we were earlier "WE'VE BEEN WALKING IN CIRCLES FOR HOURS NOW", maddie raised her eyebrow and put her hands on her hips "well I mean she could be anywhere so I just thought that re-checking a few spots I have already checked might have been useful"she took a breath "ohh and also we might have been where she was at when I last saw her"


Hey author here I'm sorry it's short and horribly written/typed after I  write/type a word I immediately forget it later on and will have to re-read the word over and over and re-type it over again to make it right and I end up spelling the word wrong and in other times I'm writting/typing past midnight

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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