Makenzie POV

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Sit down sit down I said to all of the guys they sat down I probably looked like a creep staring at them ugh I hate myself 😫 Matt started the conversation I just stared at his lips God he was sexy next the jacks said something but I wasn't listening I was focusing on Nash's eyes "are they really that blue" I thought to myself . "yup" said Nash I covered my mouth again "I said it out loud didn't i" all the guys said "yeah" at the exact same time ugh I really do hate myself
I saw Taylor walking over to me "Zaymm you are hot as the sun BAE" he told me I blushed but then it stopped Zoey walked over and yelled at Taylor I didn't understand what she was saying

Zoey POV
I was sitting next to Mackenzie and talking to the boys I was personally staring at Taylor Zaymm he's good looking and that's when Taylor walked up to me was he going to ask me out ? I thought well I what's wrong he was walking up to Mackenzie he started flirting with her! I jumped up out of my seat and yell out to Taylor "DONT EVER TALK TO HER LIKE ThAT AGaIn SHES FUCKING UgLY SHE hAs A SHitty PErsonallity TO!! SHes NOt EVEn DREsSEd up But I'm Hor why do u LIkE HER!! " "OHHH" the guys screamed in unison.I covered my mouth I had just let jealousy come out of my mouth I looked to Mackenzie she was crying hard. what had I just done in only 2 hours I had started drama! Mackenzie ran out of the room.

Nash's POV
Cam told me he likes Mackenzie but I caught Mackenzie staring at me with those brownish greenish eyes and dang she was beautiful Mackenzie then asked if my eyes were really that blue "yup" I said and then I blushedI guess she didn't think she sent it out loud she blushed and cover her mouth we all laughed I saw Taylor walking up to her he started flirting with her 😒oh my god Zoey is screaming at Taylor now Zoe said that Mackenzie is ugly and is not dressed right or something like that I didn't really hear then the fight started I looked at Mackenzie she was crying then she ran out of the room I ran after her

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