Mental Health Pt. 2-

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*So sorry this is super late and i've been very inactive. Life really sucks right now and living is hard so if these seem rushed I apologize*

Clinton Cave- You've had Insomnia since you were a kid I mean what kind of kid likes going to bed? No one really thought it was an issue and thought you would grow out of it...however when your teen and adult years came...things started to get a little worse but you were just a very active person who had many hobbies and just thought sleep was overrated and you generally never thought nothing of it...

But Clinton began to worry because he would notice you wouldn't sleep at night and when he woke up in the middle of the night to get water or use the bathroom you would still be awake. Of course he asked you to come to bed which made you reluctantly do so but you also didn't want to worry Clinton but then again you would just lie in bed and wait till he would fall asleep so you could get up and do your hobbies again.

But as the days went on you started to sleep less and less and well...the one downside to it is your mood begins to change and well Clinton is starting to notice that you've just been in such a bad mood these couple of days. Of course he confronted you about them but you either ignored him or got so snappy...

You can see and feel yourself acting this way but you can't stop and you don't know how and Clinton could see that and he never gets mad at you for it. It's frustrating yea, but he knows you just need to sleep and is gonna do everything he can to help you do so.

Yet another day has went by since you last slept, can't really remember the last time you did sleep peacefully let alone have a good nights rest but at least you get stuff done right? You were currently working on something on your computer when you didn't notice Clinton come up behind you.

He wrapped his arms around your shoulders which made you sigh a bit "Hey love we should talk" he said, you sighed "Not right now Clinton. I gotta finish this" You said, Clinton shook his head and snatched your computer away which made you sigh and rub your face tiredly.

Clinton sat next to you on the couch and turned you to look at him "What?" You asked, "Baby when was the last time you had any sleep?" He asked, you rolled your eyes "Don't know, don't care" You said, he frowned "Love you need to sleep. Sleep is so important" He said, you scoffed "Don't care. Don't want it" You said,

He sighed "Babe look at you, you are so exhausted and so tired, your body is slowly shuttin down because you're not gettin enough sleep. I'm worried about you and I don't wanna lose ya. I know you have your hobbies and you have stuff you love to do but those will still be there for you the next day but you cannot function anymore with what no sleep you're runnin on and I know you can feel it" He said,

You frowned and sighed as it went quiet for a moment "I'm sorry Clinton. I'm so sorry" You said, he shook his head and pulled you in hug which made you sigh and relax in his arms "Now come on. Let's get some actual rest yea?" he suggested, you just smiled and nodded as you both headed off to bed despite it being early in the morning and as soon as you hit the bed you were out like a light.

Mitchel Cave- You've had Depression since you were a teenager. It's just one of those common things you went through. You never really had a close relationship with your parents and you never really had friends growing up so all you really had was your photography to get you through the days.

Taking pictures made it seem like the world was more beautiful than it looked from the inside and it kinda made you feel less alone. Of course when you met Mitty and the others and began dating Mitchel, you became less depressed because you knew you now had friends and a boyfriend who loved you more than anything...but sometimes that depression does come back and will eventually bite you in the ass.

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