Something New

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It took a couple weeks but we eventually got Cerberus certified to be a service dog. Now we just had to go through the school and everything and make sure it was okay to bring her with me every day.

Coby was the one who did all that and I just sat in the jeep and waited. When he finally got everything figured out, we went home and got ready for the next day.


I was still kind of nervous to, but the next day, I got myself and Cerberus ready for school. I walked downstairs with Cerberus following behind me. When I got downstairs I saw Coby making breakfast for once. "You ready?" He asked.

I nodded and then nodded towards Cerberus. "She's ready too." I said and then got her harness and everything on.

After a little while Coby got me and Cerberus into the car with him. He drove to the school and we walked in. I had Cerberus's leash and the other teachers looked but didn't question it. They saw her harness so they figured I was okay. When we got to Coby's room I sat behind his desk like usual and Cerberus lay down at my feet. Coby was up doing stuff to get ready for the classes he had today.

He made the mistake of leaving his phone near me.

I knew the password.

It's go time.

I grabbed his phone and managed to fit my case on it to make it look like I was on my phone. I put my phone under my legs so he couldn't see it. I started my project that would probably take me a while to finish so I had to get going.

I was gonna decorate his screens with the iOS update where you can change the icons and everything. I found a weird theme to go with and started doing it. Before I knew it, it was 7:30, and I had just made my brothers phone look amazing. He might not be too happy about it because he won't know how any of it works or where anything is, but who cares. It would be a funny reaction.

I swapped the cases back and put his phone back where it was. Coby finally sat down in his desk chair and started doing some stuff on the computer. I was playing games on my phone and texting people so I would look inconspicuous. "You have been way too quiet this morning. What's the matter?"

"Nothing. I just don't feel like talking in the mornings. You know that." I said and went back to playing on my phone.

"We'll you know you can tell me if something is bothering you." Coby said.

"I know I know. You're my older brother and my caregiver, I have to tell you when something is up." I replied and kept playing on my phone.

"That's right." Coby added before he went back to doing work on his computer. He picked up his phone to see if he had gotten any messages and saw his wallpaper. "What in the world is this?" He asked and showed it to me.

"I have no idea Coby. Maybe you forgot you changed it. You are getting old." I joked.

"I'm twenty five now stop that." Coby said.

I laughed at that before he opened his phone and saw all the different icons. "What even is this?! Do I have a virus on my phone or something?" He really didn't know about the iPhone update. He looked at me. "Did you do this?"

"I might have."

"Undo it right now. I don't even know what anything is."

"The icons are still there, you can see what the letters say under the icons too!" I tried to explain it.

"I do not care. Change it back." Coby tried to give me his phone.

"You know what? No. I spent from the time we got here up until now doing that. I think you should keep it that way for a little while." I said and then stood up to stretch.

Coby sat there, glaring at me. "I am not keeping it like this forever." He mumbled.

I smirked; I knew I had won.

I grabbed the books I needed to check back in and started to walk to the library. Then I remembered, I had Cerberus following me around now. Everybody was gonna be stopping me in the halls and asking why I had a service dog. Some might even be assholes and say I'm faking an illness or something. I sat back down and just reread the books.

"You're not going to the library?" Coby asked.

"Nope. I just remembered I didn't finish this one." I lied.

"Madison I know you're lying. You were ready to go. I can tell when you've finished a book and you're just rereading it because you stare at the page until you think it's been long enough before flipping to the next page."

I sighed. "I'm just scared to walk around school with Cerberus. People are either gonna make fun of me, call me a lier, or try and pet her. You're not supposed to pet service dogs when they're working." I said and put my head in my hand as I continued to stare at the page.

Coby closed the book and pointed at the door. "Go to the library. Let your dog do her job and don't listen to what other people say." He said and we did our little fist bump-handshake we used to always do.  Until Coby got older and thought he was too cool to do stuff like that anymore. I got up and Cerberus followed. I had her leash in hand and I was walking down the halls to get to the library. The door was open so I walked in and Mrs. Jones greeted me like she always did. She saw Cerberus and smiled. "What breed is she?"

"She's a Doberman. And she's my service dog because I've got hypoglycemia." I said and she nodded.

"Well I've always got snacks in my drawers if you need one from time to time." Mrs. Jones said.

I smiled. "Thanks Mrs. Jones." I said and handed the books to her. I walked over to the shelf I always go to: the manga shelf.

While I was looking for the next two volumes in the series I was reading, I heard Andy say, "Mrs., how come you never offer us candy?"

"Well for one you guys are always being gross in here. And two, you guys are hyper enough without the candy." Mrs. Jones said.

I chuckle as I walk over and Mrs. Jones checks the books out for me. I walk over to the group of guys I hang out with all the time.

"Oh my god Maddy has a dog in the school!" Andy pointed at Cerberus.

"She can't have a dog in the school! Can she Mrs.?" Matt asked.

"It's a service dog you idiots. Don't you see the vest?" Connor said.

Then they all looked at me. "Maddy what happened?! Why do you need a service dog?" Andy sounded worried.

"Dudes. I'm fine. I've just got hypoglycemia and Cerberus is gonna be the one to help me monitor it." I said.

Andy had a blank look on his face. "Dumb it down a notch." He said.

"Her blood sugar drops and if it drops too fast or too much and she can't get anything fast enough she'll pass out." Connor explained.

"Ohhhh." Andy and Matt said in unison.

"You guys are so stupid sometimes." I laughed and Andy's cheeks turned red.

"You use big words. You're the smart one out of the four of us." Andy said and crossed his arms.

"Aw I'm sorry Andyman." I chuckled again before looking at the time. "The bell is about to ring. I'm gonna head back to Coby's room and get my stuff then meet y'all in first period." I said and waved to them as I walked back to Coby's room.

The only good thing about my days of high school is that I have all of my classes with those three. We've been friends since Pre-k and don't do much without the others.

When I got to Coby's room I put the manga in my backpack and put it on. I grabbed Cerberus's leash and I was about to leave when Coby said something.

"You know the rules." He said, not even looking up from his computer.

I sighed and walked back over, hugging him. "Since when did you become so affectionate?" I asked.

"I've always been affectionate." He argued.

"Uh huh. And I'm the oldest." I said sarcastically. "I'll see you second period." I said then added, "And seventh," before walking out the door to my first period class.

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