To be set free

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She was walking home from school when it suddenly started raining ,rain drops splattering on their face as she continued walking. . .The roar of thunder was heard

She cursed to her self when the rain drops became heavier; harder. She had been overwhelmed with joy when her girlfriend invited her to their house.. Hailee has always preferred her girlfriends house over her own. You could be who you want  to be, and not worry about people judging you for who you are. Hailee began running when she noticed the tar black clouds forming in the clear blue sky. Her body was soaked with water. . .her school uniform clinging to her body, shoes and socks soaked from when she accidentally stepped in a huge puddle of water.

She let out a sigh of relief when she spotted her girlfriends house. Her speed decreased as she walked up their porch. Once she was in front of the front door, she knocked. . .she was met with nothing but silence, she knocked for the second time, and the door creecked open. Hailee called out to her girlfriend, and once again, she was met with silence.

She then became suspicious, the door was pushed open, she entered the cold, life less living room. She closed the door behind her and started walking around the house.

. . .This is weird. . .Hailee thought to her self. She made her way towards the stair case and slowly, but surly began walking up the stairs. With each step she became more terrified .

what if she got kidnapped?!

what if she fainted again?!

wh-what if she got KILLED?!


All sorts of assumptions brewed with in her head.. She had scolded her self for thinking such horrendous thoughts. Once she reached the last step she saw a T-shirt she didn't quite recognize, She squinted her eyes at the shirt and walked towards it. Hailee picked the T-Shirt up, and stiffed it. Lavender

 She said.. "Ava doesn't smell like lavender," confused. "She smells like cherries"

She then began walking to her girlfriends room. The door was slightly opened, 

Why should I knock on my own girlfriends door? She thought, little did she know what she would stumble upon.

Once the door was completely opened, Hailee froze, every single nerve in her body went numb. She was incapable of speaking, as this is a side affect when your heart gets shattered to a Million pieces. Her chest pulled tight, heaving heavily, She found breathing incredibly onerous. She attempted to push back her tears, until, eventually, she gave in. Streams of tears fell from her eyes, the non waterproof eyeliner she had on, now burning her eyes.

Hailee's bottom lip quivered, she balled her fists, and stood her ground. She told her self that she would not be a coward this time, she would not run away from her problems, That she would fight her demons. . .Well, in this case, the demon that is currently making out with her best friend, completely oblivious to the fact that her girlfriend, possibly ex, is standing and watching them.

Hailee sniffled, this caused the both of them to stop and turn their heads, Simultaneously, their eyes widen. . ."Baby, I-I can explain" Avery stuttered. . .

"What? Explain to me that you are cheating on me. . with my best friend?!"Hailee nearly screamed. Both the girls faces, flushed, with guilt "How could you do this to me Ava?!"

" I-I don't know" Avery bowed her head in embarrassment. Hailee's heart felt as if it was a bomb, ready to explode. She could not muster up enough courage to tell, No. . . Scream, at them for hurting her this badly. And the worst part is. . .That the both of them, are her friends since kindergarden. And the fact that Sarah, her best friend, is smirking

Hailee screamed at the top of her lungs, "Why Sarah?!Why would you do this to me?, I devoted my life to you! I love you! I fucking love you both!" The two heart breakers were left astonished, Hailee has never cursed in her life. A fresh set of tears come pouring out, covering her damped cheecks.

Sarah knew what she had done, She didn't think that it would end up with her best friend, crying her eyes out, admitting her love for the both of them. Yes Sarah understood that the love towards her was platonic, unlike Avery's love. . .No, Hailee's love towards Avery was special, she loved everything about her. . To her perfect smile, to the way she furrows her brows and blows out her cheecks when confused. .Hailee loved Avery with everything she has to offer.

And now. . .Sarah feels like: complete, utter, shit.

The rain out side became significantly heavier, and with the roar of the thunder, and the flashing white streaks of lighting, it is, as if it came straight from a movie.

"Hailee, I'm so so sorry, I didn't mea-" Sarah got cut off by the cracking voice of Hailee. "you didnt mean what?!You didnt mean to kiss my girlfriend?!It was an accident?!" By now Hailee had gone all out, her eyes red and dialated from crying, her face stained with tears and smudged eyeliner. Her hands tangled in her unruly raven hair, while she attempts to control her breathing.

"You. Ruined. Me," she gritted between sobs "I have nothing left, no purpose, on this god forsaken planet!!,"She screamed "You two, made my life worth living, and now?," Hailee chuckled humorlessly "And now, And now that you're gone, erased from my life. . .I can finally be set free" She smiled weakly, and tidied her self up and walked into Avery's fathers garage, with a plan, all readied up.

The two ran down the stairs screaming Hailee's name, and by the time they go to the garage, Hailee was holding a loaded, Colt 1851 handgun to her head, with a smile on her face. . .

"I'm finally going to be set free," she said in joy full but sad tone "Sarah, you were my first friend, and I am great full for that,"

"No, Hailee, we can work this through" Sarah pleaded but she simply smiled in response. "And  Avery, you were my first love" The two girls walked closer towards her.

"Please, Hailee, I beg of you don't do this!," Avery pleaded, she got the same response, a mere smile." Good bye, my friends"

"NO, HAILEE I LOV-"The trigger was pulled and, and a gun shot was heard. Hailee's blood splattered all over the girls faces, and her body slumped to the ground with a loud thud. Sarah's eyes was wide and her face was guilt ridden, While Avery was heart broken, and crying, while looking at her girlfriends lifeless body, being pooled in blood. . .



           hope you enjoyed it:)

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