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The sun rose after a long break. The story continues!

"Nights are long, but my dreams are longer"

Tiger looked at his game board. Why is everything so confusing?  A lot has happened.

He heard a knock at his door. He rumbled slowly and opened the door with his cannon.

He saw a pretty girl across from the door. It was Panther.

Panther rumbled in without a word

"What are you doing here?" Questioned Tiger. It was 2 AM, Panther always looked like the sleep early type.

Panther just sat there, no word.

"I think Panzer broke it up with me" She finally said

"Really?" Replied Tiger, he had of course heard the rumor of Panzer acting strange.

"Yeah he just said that we were friends! Literally a week before that we had our things stuff up each oth-"

"Stop! Too far! We should talk to Matilda about this and figure out a plan. Hopefully she shops quick"

Panzer 4 jolted up from his bedsheets. Another nightmare has hit him. he opened the door as he went to some food. Though the door, there were two tanks here. He smiled as he opened up a cabinet

Panzer's POV

"How's it going?" I said cheerfully

The two tanks though kind of just sat there though. I wonder what's up? I grabbed my can of oil and began drinking it down

Suddenly the tank with the nice flower on its head spoke

"What's my favorite color?" She asked

I turned to look at her. She was painted Yellow so that's what I said


Then the other tank in the room. I think his name is Tiger, I remember a lot about him compared to her. Anyways Tiger shut his eyes for a while as the door opened. Two other tanks I knew by Crusader and Matilda were at the door.

"Hi!" The both of them said, I looked keenly within their eyes as their was something wrong with them yet I couldn't place a hatch over it

"Hey Panzer 4, we are going to skirmish outside the field today. Spain makes a beautiful battlefield, despite the nation not participating in the World War 2" Crusader explained

"Are there any cool models or tanks from Spain?" Tiger asked studiously

"Not that I know of, it was mainly a testing platform for other nations's tanks" Crusader replied

"Shouldn't we be trying to find our way out of Spain? Why are we fighting each other outside?" Panther asked keenly, a sniff of annoyance in her voice

"Oh relax lady! I know we are stranded inside some country but we should really take this time to enjoy ourself! Anyways here are the teams, Panzer 4 will be with Tiger and IS-2... where is IS-2? Is she sulking like a normal teenage vehicle?" Crusader wondered out loud, getting looks of disappointment from everybody

"Be quiet Crusader, you know you are not pleasing anyone" Matilda rolled a step closer, sending a look down at Crusader

"Ah okay... the other team will have Panther, Matilda, and me! Because of course I know what's best for my students!" Crusader declared

Despite everybody rolling their eyes, we went outside and got into position. The terrain was grassy and hilly, with a few trees and bushes scattered throughout. I picked a position upon a high flying hill, that had several bushes and cover to hid in. Both Tiger and IS-2 took positions near me, on the turf down from the hill I was overlooking. They were for some reason really close to each other, which went against everything that I remembered the academy taught

I drank some oil in preparation when I heard tracks rumbling, loud ones. I looked down the hill to see Matilda! Of course we would notice her! She by far was the most easy to spot tank out of their team. I loaded by 75 millimeter Pak cannon and blasted a round straight at her. I watched with hurried breath only to see the round ping of her armor easily. I forgot, Matilda's were extremely well armored the front. I sighed loudly before looking down upon the hill. Tiger and IS-2 could easily penetrate the Matilda's armor though

But they seems to be bickering, I listened closely

"Stop moving IS! I am trying to get a good look at Matilda!" Tiger hissed in the bush

"Oh of course Tiger, just looking at other girls before looking at me! Listen to me first!" IS-2 spat back

I looked on with hurry, when're does two a couple? I can't really recall. Dang my memory's foggy. Despite IS-2 constantantly bumping into him, he fired his shot, getting a resounding explosion from the other side. Direct hit on the Matilda!

There was a loud ball of smoke obscuring the entire battlefield. I looked with tired breath, waiting for something to happen till I heard

"Surprise mate!" As a Crusader tank suddenly drifted out of their clearing, he quickly went around both IS's and Tiger's back and unleashed two shots quickly knocking them out, but not before getting rammed by Tiger why trying to do so

As I try to realize what's happening, I hear a another voice from the clearing

"Hey Panzer! Let's have a duel shall we?" Panther suggested, before driving forward toward me with surprising speed

I quickly turned my turret, but not before she shot first, the round slammed into my turret extremely fast. I etched in pain at the sharp feeling in my turret before continuing to rotate my turret towards her. If she loaded a more explosive filled she'll then that would have ended me

I fired a round at her with hast. But it harmlessly pinged of her frontal armor

She only looked at me before increasing her speed. I closed my eyes in anticipation as she slammed into me with her trends. Ow

She then looked at me, our eyes mere feet across from each other. But then something strange happened, a tear of oil came out of eyes. Before she blasted a round though me

3rd perspective

"You lot need to step it up we didn't lose a single tank in that skirmish!" Crusader declared braggingly

"Wait Matilda survived my shot!?" Tiger gasped in surprise

"Yeah, barely I did" Matilda groaned tiredly. Before she started to take off her armored plates in aguish

"Wait Mati, why are you stripping. What about the boys?" Panther interrupted

"Well Crusader has seen me strip, Tiger has IS-2 and Panzer has you so" Matilda continued to strip

"That's not a reason!"Panther quickly drove Matilda out of the room

As the two girls fought each other in the room outside. Crusader decided to state

"Well we should probably ride on a railway out of Barcelona into France, I'll arrange something by tomorrow"

"Tomorrow? Okay Sir" Tiger sighed before driving off, he was soon followed by IS-2

And thus starts the new chapter in Panzer 4's story! How will our characters overcome their differences and obstacles And return home in one piece?

Panzer 4's story(Spain, Pain, and Repair)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum