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Shut up Tiger! I am tired of you acting as if this is an adventure! We were supposed to go to France, remember?" Panther glared at him from behind
"What are you talking about? Barcelona is like less than 400 kilometers from the French border, we are fine" Tiger rolled his eyes at the German tank
"How do we even get stuck in Barcelona!? We would have to cross the Mediterranean through Gibraltar! How does someone even get messed up like that" Panther groaned in anguish
"Uh confession time, it was actually our fault... In my defense, Luchs were the one who actually bought the tickets and she for some reason CAN'T READ!-" Crusader blamed quickly
"Oh shut up! You were the one who told me to buy the tickets in the first place! Screw you...you Tommy!" Luchs boiled her anger upon the similarity sized tank
"Hah, the grand debate of the mind or the hand. The true revolutionary debate over who's right? The person who ordered the task or the one who did the task?" Matilda slurred mysteriously
Panther closed her eyes in tiredness from the long train flight when IS-2's voice rang out from besides her
"Hey I heard that your older brother is dating my little sister now?" IS-2 questioned intriguely, Panther nodded tiredly in response
"Yeah, I heard that those two have known each other since they were kids" Panther replied
"I hope they get married, we can be related" IS-2 smiled before nudging Panther playfully
"What has gotten into you? You were sad and depressed like 10 minutes ago?" Panther looked at her friend with a curious look
"Oh yeah about Tiger? I have gotten over him, now cheers for a hundred years with my favorite female friend!" She embraced Panther(in a tankish way)
"Uhhhh okay..."
In another rail cart, Panzer 4 and Tiger stood in a uncomfortable silence before one of them spoke
"Hey... So how is it going?" Tiger started
Panzer turned his turret towards him
"Okay I guess? I mean Panther and a few others are acting a little strange, but the Fuhrer has always said to adapt to your circumstances as you go!" Panzer IV declared, Tiger turned his turret away from Panzer IV
"Yup Panther was right! This guy has truly lost his memory! This tank at this rate lost where he was from dammit!" Tiger screams internally to himself

Some time passed by when they finally stopped by a rail on the edge of the border, there the tanks waited for the train to refuel and regear, before embarking back upon the train

"Hah you see! We only lost like 2 days, we are totally back on schedule! Power of Spanish transportation baby!" Crusader said in triumph, only to be returned by a strange look from his secretary in Luchs
Other than that conversation, between the teacher and his secretary, none of the other tanks sprouted any sort of conversation. Crusader and Luchs noticed this, but they knew that if they intervened, that they would only make the problem worse. So they just decided to press on, France was just around the corner, and there, Paris!

So despite how tired everyone was, the train pressed on, the border was soon crossed as the train accelerated through the The Pyrenees Mountains onto the only slight hilly terrain of Southern France.

Tiger and Panther looked on with wonder at the hilly terrain they were crossing though

"Wow, I haven't been to Southern Spain, it looks beautiful!" Tiger said in joy towards his only real friend throughout the train. Tiger and Panther were one of the few tanks getting along with each other on this train ride, because both were going though similar events, and they couldn't really talk with anyone else. Not to Panzer 4 or IS-2 for obvious reasons, not to Matilda for even more obvious reasons, while Luchs and Crusader was always busy to talk to, and they were kinda weird so that wasn't going to fit. So instead, they were sticking next to each other, communally brooding with each other

"Why is Panzer IV the way he is...why?" Panther instead said in a monotone voice

"Wow you are really hung up on him aren't you?" Tiger said in a mildly teasing tone

"What about you and IS-2? Are you also hung up on her as well?" Panther raised a hatch in suspicious mood towards Tiger

"Shut up, I am trying to ignore that"

"I feel you are rather delaying, I would go and deal with that if I was you" Panther bumped Tiger casually before closing her hatch

"I hate this, but I don't think I am ready yet, maybe when I feel a little better" Tiger thought before saying out loud to Panther
Who was rather asleep

"Hah at least pretend that you care that much!"

Finally the train stopped at their destination, Paris station, the tanks started their engines and started to disembark the train when they were stopped by Crusader who was having a conversation with another tank, he finally stopped, turning to his class

"Hey, I would like to introduce to you another student of mine, he's from America so he has great knowledge of our school, I would love for you to meet Sherman"

Panzer 4's story(Spain, Pain, and Repair)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon