Little salmon friends

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-"FINALLY!!" he screamed. Losos broke the rock to see so much water that felt cold on his scales, so much sand that was soft to the touch, so much seaweed that tickled whenever you got too close, and when he looked down at the whole he just made he found it huge.

He looked around him, left, to right. Then up, and down, and up again. He did not see any other salmon. Without losing hope he flies out of the water, out of surprise he sees water coming down from what seemed to be the attempts of him breaking through the rocks. He was amazed by what he had created, water coming down from all the way up there, and the white steam when it landed in the water below. But he shook his head from the amazement and looked around for the salmon friends he has always wanted.

There were beautiful creatures that he had never seen before with a warm coat of fur or feathers as colorful as the rainbow, but no salmon. Losos then started thinking What if I was wrong? And there are no other salmon like me up here? He started getting upset and sad, he always thought that someone would be waiting for him, but he was wrong, and that made him very sad. Losos could not bear the feeling of no one to be friends with, no one should ever be lonely, not him nor anyone else.

He thinks about what life would have been like with other salmon for him to be friends with, and then has an idea but not for himself, but more for other salmon. His idea was that since he had so much power, and had been living for so long already, maybe he could become a bunch of little salmon for all of them to be happy and have company, and so that when he would have passed away, there would still be salmon left. He knew that it would be difficult to make this decision but deep down he knew it was right.

Losos starts floating above the cold water he was once in, his shiny scales turn gold and start glowing. His beautiful blue eyes also start glowing and when he turns as bright as the sun POOF. He explodes into so many little salmon, they all are divided parts of Losos's power.

All the little salmon group up, they talk to each other, they explore their habitat, and most importantly they know that Losos was their ancestor and since they still have a part of his power they start to swim up the waterfalls. They thank Losos every day for giving his life to them, and that they are powerful, smart, and beautiful creatures who live in the deep waterfalls of Losos's efforts.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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