Chapter 1: Did I sign up for this?

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May 7th

The teenage boy laid down in a pure white room. The boy laid down on the hard, cold surface of the steel table. He hummed to himself as he looked around the room he was in. When he looked over to his right he saw a window. The window it's self was silver, but he figured it was one-way glass. He tried to move his arms and legs but he was strapped down. Well, the straps were made of metal, and by the looks of it wasn't cheap metal either. But what else could you expect from the Kuki corporation.

Yes the Kuki corporation. The boy, Yuuji Okazaki, wanted to join the corporation sense he was young. Yuuji admired their creations, such as the cookie robots. So when he noticed the Kuki corp. ad for more help, he called right away. Yuuji wanted to go into engineering, unfortunately, the only spot they had was a test subject. However, this didn't stop him from wanting to join, so he was able to get a signature off his parents (Who don't really care about him.) And turned in his resume. He was surprised when he got the job right away. Apparently not many people wanted the job, which confused Yuuji.

And there he was, preparing for the experiment. He noticed with all the needles and tubes hooked up to him he probably looked like someone on death row. He sighed. He hasn't been keeping track of the time, sense there was not clock in the room, but it felt like to him that he had been laying down for a hour or two. Yuuji blew his black hair out of his dark brown eyes. Yup, he was bored all right. Maybe he could sing to pass some of the ti-

"Wahahaha~ thank you for waiting!" A sound echoed in the room. Yuuji's eye brows perked up when he heard that voice. Yup, he would know it anywhere. The voice was male, low and dignified yet highly ecstatic as well. And the Kuki family laugh could only mean one thing. It had to be Hideo of Kuki. "Now, Before we begin-" Some shuffling of paper could be heard from the intercom. "You Have filled out all necessary documents correct? You signed the contract and the waivers'?"

Yuuji would of nodded but his head was strapped down as well. "Y-Yes sir!" He stuttered slightly. He was talking to his boss after all. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

"Wahahaha~ wonderful! Now, before we began, you should know that the serum that we about to inject you with is made to modify your body in every way. After the injection we will put you through a series of tests to see if we were successful or not."

"I'm aware" Yuuji responded.

"Great! Now, you may feel some intense pain."

Yuuji's eyebrows furrowed. "Intense wh-AGGGA!" Yuuji felt a intense pain in his back and several other places. "Wh-what happened!?"

Hideo spoke through the intercom once more. "Injecting your blood wouldn't be enough. Your body will have to be stronger, for it can handle the serum. So, we're also injecting it into your bones as well." Hideo was silent for a moment. "Now we start the experiment."

Purple fluid could be seen traveling through the tubes, getting closer and closer to Yuuji's body. The fluid traveled into his wrist. "ARRRRRGH!" When it did, his veins started to bulge, and so did his muscles. "ITS HOT, ITS HOT!" Yuuji felt like his muscles were going to separate from his bones. His body convulsed and his eyes opened up wide. His pupils shrunk to a size where they almost looked nonexistent. "AAAAAAAGGGGGGGH!"

Inside the observation room.

The boys cry could be heard loud and clear in the small observation room . The scientist in a frenzy typed many things into the computer. One female scientist looked over to Hideo. "Hideo-sama! He's rejecting the serum!" A male continued. "If we continue like this he will certainly die!"

Hideo looked at the boy that was convulsing on the table. "Not, yet... We came this far."

"But, Hideo-sama!" The female spoke in a pleading voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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