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It was a Sunday, and not one member of the BAU was expecting to be called into work that night.

And certainly not by Erin Strauss.

So when Aaron Hotchner got a call about multiple child abductions in Oregon, he had no choice but to call in the team.

According to Strauss, the unsub had left two words at each scene, and because the scenes were all found within a couple hours of each other, the phrases had been completed.

Hotch had to wait for Jessica to come and watch Jack, so he decided now was as good a time as any to message the team.



Hotch: We have a case.

Prentiss: Now?

Hotch: Yes.

Hotch: I need you all to meet me on the plane as soon as possible.

Garcia: All of us? As in me too?

Hotch: No. I need you doing your best work, and I believe you do that in your office in Quantico.

JJ: Me and Reid are on our way

Garcia: You were hanging out with boy wonder and you didn't invite me?? Jayje, you wound me :(

Hotch: Garcia..

Garcia: Sir.

Garcia: I'm getting in my car as we soeak

Garcia: spejk

Garcia: speak

Rossi: Is it local?

Hotch: No, it's in Oregon.

Prentiss: Does anyone know where Morgan is?

Reid: He's most likely out partying.

Morgan: Heyy, watch it pretty boy

Morgan: I'm almost at the planw

Reid: plane*

Morgan: I will hit you

Prentiss: Why are we hitting Reid?

Hotch: No one is hitting Reid. Just get to the platform. You'll be briefed on the plane.

Hotch: Wheels up in 20
[READ BY ALL: 7:45 PM]

Reid and JJ arrived first, followed by Morgan, Hotch, Prentiss, and finally Rossi.

Once everyone was seated Hotch handed out the case file.

He checked to make sure Garcia was on the line before speaking.

"Oregon PD are requesting our help in multiple child abductions. In each of these abductions, both parents were stabbed multiple times and the children were taken from their bedrooms." He began.

"Why are we being called in now? Some of these scenes are atleast a week old." JJ asked, looking up from the file.

"The local PD didn't know the children were missing. The only reason they found the scenes was because of concerned neighbors and a few school faculty members who had noticed the family's disappearances." Hotch explained.

"Hotch, you know the statistics.." Morgan warned.

"I know, but no bodies have turned up so until we have proof stating otherwise, we have to assume these children are alive."

"The unsub wrote on the walls in the parent's blood?" Reid questioned.

"Yes, two words at each crime scene." Garcia replied, "One word for each phrase, and, this is where it gets creepy so brace yourselves, he mentions the BAU. Well, specifically, Mrs. Strauss."

All eyes turned to Rossi as he placed the photos of the words on the table. Then, he read out the two phrases. "Ludamus celare et quaerere. Good luck Lady Strauss."

"Ludamus celare et quaerere? That's latin for 'let's play hide and seek'. And 'good luck Lady Strauss'?" Reid moved to the edge of his seat and put down his file, insinuating the beginning of a rant.

"Lady, although still used today, was used as a less formal way of reffering to someone of high status, such as a marchioness, countess, viscountess, or baroness. It was also used to refer to the daughters of high ranking people, most often by possible suitors. Because this unsub used Latin, we know that he either isn't fluent in English or; because of the oddly respectful way he speaks, was in some kind of servitude."

"So, does Strauss know him?" Prentiss asked.

"I'd assume so, but if he was in servitude he may have heard of her and the BAU through whoever he was employed by." Reid answered.

"How long has it been since the last murder?" Morgan asked, looking at Hotch.

"2 days. He has been killing once a week so if he sticks to his schedule, we have 5 days to catch him."

"Morgan and Reid, I want you two to head to the coroner's office. See what you can find out. Prentiss, I want you to come with me to the latest crime scene, and JJ and Rossi, I want you two to set up at the local PD. Garcia, I want you to dig up everything you can on the victims; criminal records, friends, people they recently contacted, anything you can find."

Everyone nodded as they were told their tasks before dispersing in the plane to read over the case file. Garcia hung up and started to get to work. Some took the time to try and get some rest, and if they were lucky they got a 30 minute nap.

The next 5 days were gonna be real long. Everyone could feel it.

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