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The plane landed at the nearest airport, and the team got into black SUVs, which would drive them the rest of the way.

It was then that a certain woman got a phone call.


Erin Strauss was working in her office when her personal phone began to ring. She didn't recognize the caller ID, so she didn't answer.

Unfortunately, this only angered the individual on the other end.

Strauss' phone then went on to ring every 5 minutes. Around the 5th call Strauss, in complete frustration, answered the phone.

"Erin Strauss." The frustration I'm her voice seemingly vanished as she put on a fake voice.

A distorted voice came from the other end. "Good evening, Lady Strauss."

"May I ask who this i–"

"I'd like to play a game with you, Lady Strauss."

"Excuse me?"

"We'll play hide and seek. That sounds fun, doesn't it? You and David Rossi are to show up alone at an address I provide, and all the children who wish to go back will be dropped off at the police station."


"Will you play?" She could hear the smile in the person's voice.

She grit her teeth, "I need proof that they're alive and unharmed."

"As you wish."

There was movement on the other line before a young sounding voice spoke. Whatever had been distorting the other person's voice had been removed.

"Hello?" The child asked.

"Hello, my name is Erin Strauss, I work for the FBI. Can you tell me your name?" She put on a sweet voice in an attempt to gain the child's trust.

"My name is Light Aestas. Uhm, why are you calling? You're not taking us away are you!?" The child seemed frightened at the thought of being 'taken away'.

"I'm sorry? Taking you away from who?"

"They told me I can't say their name. But they've been treating us really well!! There are other kids here too!! All of them are so nice! They say that person brought them here too! They are really nice yknow, please don't hurt them.."

"Light, are they in the room with you?"

"No, why?"

Strauss was dumbfounded, was the unsub truly taking care of the children?

"Is anyone hurt?" She asked.

"No, Xavi has a cold but he already had it before he came."

"Can you tell me who else was taken from your town? Their names and ages."

"Uh-huh, there's Sydney Watne, she's 12. Xavier Kreso, he's 6. Condy Hopps, she's 3, and me, I'm 9!" He smiled as he talked. It was obvious to anyone who listened that he cared about the other children.

"Thank you, you're very helpful. Now, do you know where you are?"

"Uhm, I do, but I'm not telling you!!"

"Why not, Light?"

"Because you'll hurt them! And you'll take all of us away and put us with more people who will hurt us! Please, leave us alone!" His voice got very quiet, "Please.."

"We won't hurt them, but they need help. We can get them help, okay? But to do that I need to know where you are."

"They, they don't need your help. I'm sorry, but I'm not telling you. Goodbye, miss."


The child hung up, leaving Strauss with a list of names and a shit ton of questions.

She sighed and called Aaron Hotchner.

"Aaron, the unsub called..."

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