What Is Life

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I felt like there was nothing left for me to be alive no one cared and I was ready to leave this world "he stands on a bridge" what was the point if no one noticed me. "he slowly starts leaning forward and the last thing he saw was the sunset before he closed his eyes". But wait he feels someone hold him back, their hands where as warm as the hot coco mom gives to me on Christmas morning, their smell was as fresh as a rose. He slowly opens his eyes and sees a man holding his arm, he had never seen this man before but had dark tree branch eyes. The man caries him down the bridge. Wh wha what where you thinking are you crazy?? Why would you want to give up on your life why would you want to die now why would you want others to suffer when you are gone. What is the point? he says weeping. If no body ever cares or notices me what is the point of living. No one cares I have no body no body at all!!! Well you are wrong you are not alone anymore, he gently hugs him and they both cry together. Hey you look horrible wanna come over to my place for the night. The boy had never met the man but something told him he could trust the man. Yeah sure. They both go home, shower and eat. Thank you. For what. For telling me not to take my life that it was not worth it. There is nothing to be thank ful for I would not mind stopping you again, they both start laughing, no but seriously thank you, he smiles, your welcome. Soon they start hanging out and find out they have alot in common. Hey I heard of this new beach place you wanna go, yeah sure we can go now, OK cool. They arrive at the beach place late. Woow! We arrived late it is almost sun rise, well lucky for us we can now see the sun actually rise, yeah. Hey are ok you look gloomy if you don't want to stay we can go. No! It is not that I was actually thinking about that day wher-, hey what did I tell you not to think of that day again, yeah I know but I actually never knew that I would ever meet someone like you like before I had no one, no one noticed me, no one cared, I felt like I was useless to this world and wanted to end my life but you came along and showed me life,may I ask but what is life he asked the man,. Mmm, life is huh, it is something you live once, something you can't buy with even the whole world's money, something to enjoy, something like the sun, when the sun rises you are born and then it slowly sets and you get older telling you your time is almost up and then the moon rises and you die, it is something you should not take away, something like nature's beautiful tree it is something like the sk... Thank you he says weeping and hugging him, you have really shown me life by entering my life so thank you so much. Mmm he hugs him back, you are so welcome.

After so many years of thinking I was not worthy to live and not knowing what is life I finally understood, it is like the sun, comes up once and goes down, so live your life to the fullest and when it is time to go it is time for the sun to set

The End

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