Chapter 1 Jessica

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Struggling to breathe, I swiped my hair away from my face, flattening the bedsheets around me so I could clearly see the time, held by small black box with flashing red numbers on it.

Whaat? 8.54? I totally slept in.

I smashed my hand against the alarm, silencing it from the continuous ringing that was obnoxiously annoying. Shutting my eyes once again, I hoped to fall back into the dreamworld I had just left. Although it was a nightmare that had been haunting my dreams for weeks now, I never got past that final strike of lightning.
Mmm comfy bed, warm sheets..

Wait, 8.54 IM LATE!

My eyes flung open, rolling off the bed with very little grace I grabbed some worn white denim jeans off the floor and hobbled to the doorway, pulling them on as I went. Running downstairs, grabbing a chocolate milk out of the fridge and backpack from the table, then pelting towards the familiar silver shine of my Suzuki Swift on the driveway.

Slamming the car into reverse, rolling out of the driveway into suburbia. I began the short drive to school


Just my luck as the last available spot was taken by a late sub teacher.

Having to waste a few valuable minutes circulating around, I finally found a spot that my small car could just squeeze through.

Not enough space to open the door, I grabbed my bag and crawled through the open window, tripping slightly as I gathered my wits and ran towards the front entrance. Pulling my tangled raven bed hair into a messy bun.

The halls were already empty as I located my way to first period; English. Opening the door, all eyes turned to my direction. Being as shy as I was made me squirm as I put my head down and walked to the only empty seat, of course, its was right in front of Mr Williams who stood with his arms crossed, frowning.

"Late again Jess. I thought we said you weren't going to make a habit out of sleeping in."

"S-sorry," I was aware of the rest of the class at my back whispering and laughing at me. The freak.

"Perhaps you could come up and give the class your detailed review of the novel I assigned you all to read, Jessica?"

I knew I would be the only one who actually read The Great Gatsby, he knew it too.

"I'm sorry sir, I ah, didn't read it." I replied lamely.

"Nerd, stop lying!" Someone from behind shouted.

Shrinking down as small as I could into the chair I stared at the graffitied desk before me, blocking everything out.

Mr Williams turned around to the board and began to scribble facts about the book, brainstorming with the class (with himself) why each of the characters behaved like they did.

A better question Mr Williams, is why do These people behave like They do? I thought as another wad of paper was thrown at me.

Unravelling the screwed up missile, There was a roughly drawn picture of a person, who was undoubtedly me with pitch black hair and wide eyes, leaning down kissing Mr Williams feet.

In a cloud to the side it read 'Teachers little BITCH' in red marker.

Screwing the paper up again I stuffed it away in my grey backpack, clenching my fists together under the desk, closing my eyes I waited for this lesson to be over.

Finally out of class and walking towards my locker, I received many shoves into the wall as the corridors filled with loud teenagers
Note to self, wear shoulder pads, Jess. As I was pushed yet again into another wall.
After what seemed like hours, my familiar locker came into view where I took salvation in its metal shield, protecting me from the majority of traffic. Looking at myself in the mirror I grimaced. Hair poked out in all different directions from my bun, I still wore my pyjama shirt which luckily, wasn't too embarrassing. Just a dark grey baggy Ramones T-shirt, the colour matching the circles under my eyes too. Im great at colour coordination, I should get a reward for matching my sleep deprivation with an outfit!

Grabbing a makeup kit out of its set place I stuffed it in my bag and walked towards the nearest bathroom.

Standing at the wide mirror and glaring at my reflection for a few moments, I splashed water over my face. The lord is testing me! Bringing out some concealer I attempted to salvage my under-eyes. There is no hope for them now, applying some dark eyeshadow, followed by a few quick flicks of mascara I almost looked presentable. Considering my deep purple coloured eyes which were the main cause of all this treatment, they were weird, but they were cool, almost glowing. Some of the kids at the school called me a -

A toilet flushed and the door of the far cubicle opened, stealing my attention, a gorgeous redhead walked out to wash her hands, barely paying me any attention she brushed her perfect red locks over her shoulder, "Seeya around, Witch." She walked out.
A witch, they called me a witch.

Great. I combed my fingers through my hair and tied it into a low ponytail, plastering on a smile I walked out towards the cafeteria where my small, small group of friends awaited.

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