Chapter 4

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The last place I'd expect to find a troll is Mystic Falls Highschool, and yet here we stand. I'm hoping this is all some elaborate joke.

"So, you weren't joking about the troll?"

I laugh at the thought. Out of all the things I expected to happen today, seeing an actual troll wasn't one of them.

"Believe me, I wish it was a joke," she says before walking into the school.

I follow after her. I don't know what the plan is, or even if she has one.

"So, who am I supposed to call for if I'm about to be murdered by a troll?"

She rolls her eyes with a laugh, "Your not going to be mirdered by a troll, but if you need to know, it's Hope."

We stop at an office door and she turns to face me. "Who should I call for when I need back up fighting a troll?"


"We'll Thea, stay here. I'll be out in a second."

She steps into the office. I stay put.

I look around the empty hallway. At the posters for clubs and sports hung up on a bulletin board.

It's strange that despite how normal everything here looks, nothing about this place is normal. The people here don't even know what's going on in their town. Witches, vampires, werewolves, and now trolls too.

I stop looking around when a find spots of purple on the ground across the hall. I look around and step over to them.

I kneel down to get a closer look, and a foul smell hits my nose. Well, that rules out the idea of paint.

I stand back up and go over to the office door again. I plan to tell Hope about the spots on the ground when she comes back out, but when she exits the office, she storms away. I quickly follow after her.

When she enters a restroom I stop at the door. I'm conflicted between going in or not. What if she wants to be left alone? What if she doesn't want to be left alone?

Ultimately I decide on going in. I hear her take a few deep breaths.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

When I do, I instantly regret it. Obviously she's not ok.

"I'm fine. I just need a few seconds."

I stay silent and let her take a moment. It's only short lived because someone else walks into the restroom.

"Boy problems?" The stranger asks Hope.

Hope looks up at the stranger in the mirror.

"Ya," she says, "he's kind of a troll."

I blink a few times at the reference of the troll.

"Oh my god, say no more, we'll fix you up and make him jealous. I have an extra shirt in my locker, and I've got hairspray, lipgloss, and new eyeliner."

Hope looks down at everything set out on the sink and back to the stranger.


"Hope, thank you," She turns to face Maya. "Weird question, by any chance have you noticed a terrible smell coming from somewhere inside the school?"

"I think everyone has."
Hope and I look at each other as we stand outside the entrance to the boys locker room.

"Stay here and keep watch."

I nod and she walks into the locker room. I scrunch my nose when the smell hits me.

I wonder why she was upset about earlier. What was said that made her that way?

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