The beginning

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Once opon a time. That's how all fairy tales start, isn't it. Good vs evil. Rotten vs pure. That's how they all play out. And every single one of them end with a happily ever after.

But not for me. I don't wish for pity or remorse. I know what I did. But what about mine. Why don't I get a happy ever after. Where is my happy ending.

The world shall forever know the story of Snow White. The innocent little princess. The savior. The rightful heir to the throne. Risen from the dead by true loves kiss. While I shall forever be known as the Evil Queen. A tyrant. A jealous woman. A woman so vain I would kill my stepdaughter for beauty. The witch who poisoned an apple. My legacy. But I wasn't always known for that. Long ago, I went by a different name. Long ago before this fairytale's once upon a time. Long ago, they knew me by my true name.

But that all changed when she came along. From the moment she was born, she fell into the category of good. Snow White was innocent. Not a single hair ever touched by pain or sorrow. She had everything she could have ever wanted. Yet she wanted something she could never have, love from a mother. A role I tried to fill in, but it was useless. I had no more love left in my heart for her. She was never able to receive true affection from me.

I tried to in the beginning. I really did. I tried to be good. But my affection had its limits. It did not matter in the end. After all, from her first breath, she was loved by the whole kingdom. Everyone was wrapped around her pale little finger. It did not matter that I lacked love for her when she had the love of the kingdom.

Others are not as fortunate to be born good. Others have had the only ones they've ever loved taken from them. Others have had the very people that were supposed to protect them from harm be the very cause of it. Some dont even realize the true monsters that hold their hand untill its too late. When they realize the monster behind the kind smile, they can't do a single thing about it. No matter how hard they try and no matter what they lose along the way.

Snow's father. A man truly loved deeply by his subjects. But never truly loved by me. I could never bring myself to love him. But that never stopped anyone else from loving him. Well, not truly him, just the mask he wore perfectly. But I knew better. I was the only one who truly knew the monster underneath. Only I knew about the horrors and destructions it caused. So horrifying that not even his little daughter knew. He hid them well. I'll give him that. His perfect porcelain mask. His bloodstained mask. Not a single visible crack on the surface.

Naivety is such a privileged trait. Not all are so fortunate to have such privilege. Believe it or not. I once had a life before all this. Before the king, before Snow White and the poisoned apple.

Snow White's story shall forever be romanticized. No one will ever think twice about mine. No one would care. Or think that I may have had my reasons. I'm just the villain in this story, after all. The world fails to realize that a villain isn't just born. But made from the ashes of who they once were. So I'll tell you a story. It's a story that's never been told before. Everything I have ever done had all been because of him.

"I will tell you of my past. But be warned Snow. My story didn't end with a happily ever after."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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