Parent EraserJoke

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Day 24

"Go to your room and don't come out until tomorrow!" "You suck!" As you stumped up the stairs Joke went over to Aizawa "Sho, don't you think you were being a bit too hard on her?" He plopped onto the couch "Yes, but she just makes it so difficult sometimes." He sighed "I miss when she was my little girl." Joke sat beside him rubbing his arm "I do too, but she's almost an adult now and you should start treating her-" "She gonna leave us soon. Don't you feel sad about that?" 

Joke frowned "Of course, but there's not much we can do but hope she'll stick around." 


While out on patrol Aizawa was approached by a man "Heard you're having a problem Eraserhead?" "Who are you and what do you want?" "My quirk can age a person backward-" "And what do you want in return?" "Im gonna do something I would like you to look away from." Aizawa knows he shouldn't have, knows he should have turned the man away but instead he shook the man's hand "Deal." 


Joke walked into your room "Is that a baby crying-? What did you do!?" Aizawa turned to show her he was holding little baby you "I got our little girl back!" Joke slowly smiled "Aw, momma's baby. Give her here Shota I wanna hold her." 


(255 Words)

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