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Saul Hunter,

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Saul Hunter,

Two words that i always keep within my heart.

That beautiful name has always been the subject of my prayers.

For over twelve years.

The first time i knew him when i was in my freshman years of senior high school.

 All the girl in my class-year and seniors are roaming around his class and talking about how handsome he was. 

He becomes the talk of the year.

Nevertheless, i never even saw his 'remarkable well-know' face.

Until one day, at the opening ceremony of our academic year.

I sat in the back row seat, and behind me was the seat of a groups of boys.

They are very noisy and disturbing the others around.

At one moment they are all bickering about viewing  'a couple of dogs that mating',  beside them.

As i am curious about the literal meaning of their conversation, i turn my body around to saw what is their bicker about.

When i about to witness the process of 'dogs mating', there was a large-wide white-palms covering my sight, the hands of boy who would grow up into a man in the near future.

"Don't look," said the owner of these large-wide palms.

He had a deep voice. That describe 'baritone' word perfectly. 

His voice is really deep for a teenager in freshman year,  that makes my heart flutters.

When he raises his hand that covers my eyes, our eyes accidentally meet.

A beautiful green-emerald eyes, with a short blond hair.

He is at least 6' 2" feet tall. The second tallest guy in our class year.

I am captivated. He is as handsome as the people said.

"I save your eyes virginity, so you did not have to saw something outrageous,"

"You can thank me later."

And then he smiled, turn around, and running away 

went back to those groups of boys.

Leaving me alone.



As if i saw a living version of  Michelangelo's David statue.

That was the day i fell in love with Saul Hunter.



Hi thanks for reading my novel!

I want to ask you, do you have someone like Saul in your life? A person that you had unrequited love for years? 

How did it turn out for you? 

(To Be Continued)

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