Chapter 1

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Royalty Presents...

Curvy Girl Publications

"The Secret We Could Never Keep"

By: Ariel Carter


I'd like to thank my sister, Jessica Carter, for always having faith in me and macking sure I had my stuff together! As well as my bestie/coworker Maggie Comerford for always listening to me go on and on about writing and helping me come up with a title.

Chapter 1

Naomi- The Thrill Is Gone...
Once again, I woke up this morning to an empty bed. I shouldn't have to go through this every morning. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband dearly, but I need him here. This was becoming a more frequent thing. Excuse me for my sudden rudeness. My name is Naomi Maria Knight. I'm a twenty-nine-year-old, full-figured woman with hips and curves in all the right places. I have been married to my husband, Rashaad Knight, for ten years, and it wasn't easy.
I know we started out young. I was only eighteen when I married Rashaad. We graduated high school, sneaked off to the courthouse, and got married that night. It may seem corny, but it was one of our best memories. To this day, his mother still holds a grudge against me for not allowing her to give us a proper wedding. We came from completely different backgrounds. I was a foster kid being tossed from one foster home to the next. I went through a lot as a child; I experienced things I don't even feel comfortable enough to tell my husband.
Rashaad, on the other hand, grew up with his mother and his father. He was like my hero; he saved me from my reality. I loved him dearly for that. Despite our differences, he and his family loved me and treated me good. At least... I think he still loves me.
Things have been rough for us the past two years. I went against his wishes and started my career. This was something that I needed to do for myself. I was extremely tired of playing the housewife role. I wasn't that type. I had been taking care of myself for as long as I could remember. It was hard for me to just sit and let him take care of me.
Don't get me wrong. He takes care of me to the fullest and does a damn good job. Whatever I want, I get. He doesn't understand where I'm coming from, though, and he never will. I love the things he does, but I would love it a lot more if I could do it for myself. Am I wrong for wanting some type of independence?
I convinced myself to get up from my bed and end my pity party. I walked into my closet in search of something to wear. I had a very busy day lined up. I had at least three court sessions today. I was not really concerned with that, though. I was damn good at my job. I knew I already won the cases. I just had to listen to the jury give their verdict. In addition to that, my firm was introducing us to a new partner.
From what I heard, the man is a shark in the courtroom. It would be nice to have some competition at the firm; everybody knew I was the best defense attorney there. I made partner after only a year at the firm, so I was damn proud of that. I worked very hard. I enjoyed my job. It took me too damn long to finish school not to love it.
I decided to wear something simple, so I found a cute, black fitted dress that stopped just above my knees with a nude pair of red bottoms. I trotted into my bathroom and turned on my shower before I cleansed my face at my bathroom sink. Once I was done washing my face, I jumped into the shower. As I washed my body, sexual memories of Rashaad and I in the shower together invaded my mind. It had been quite a while since I had been intimate with my husband. This was not like us at all. I felt like I was going through withdrawal, and six months was way too long to go without his touch. Feeling my body get too heated, I switched the water to cold and finished my shower.
After about fifteen minutes, I stepped out of the shower, walked into my bedroom, quickly dried my body, and moisturized my skin. After I was finished, I put on my lace bra with the thong to match. I sat at my vanity as I begin to do my hair. I was almost finished curling my hair when Rashaad walked in the room. I heard his footsteps on the stairs and rolled my eyes instantly. He was right on time.
"Good morning, baby," he said as he rubbed my lower back.
Did he just walk up in here like were on good terms? I thought as he leaned down to kiss my lips. I turned my head, making his kiss land on my cheek.
"I know, baby. I'm sorry I had to work some over time." He rubbed his hands down my sides as he toyed with my bra strap.
"For what exactly? I work as well, Rashaad, and there's no excuse for you not to come home. This is the fourth time this week!" I screamed.
"Can we not start this right now? Naomi, I don't have time for it." He shook his head with frustration.
"Well, make time because it's happening whether you like it or not." I looked at him through the mirror of my vanity. He looked surprised by my response.
"What? You think because you working now you can just talk to me any kind of way? That's not gone work. I'm your husband, and you had better respect me."
"I will respect you as my husband once you start acting like it. When was the last time you came home and stayed? Or better yet...when was the last time you touched me as my husband should?" I turned around to face him.
"I'm a damn doctor. If I get called in, you know I have to leave. What do you want from me, Naomi? I can't just leave work to be by your side when a life could be at risk!" He stood up and walked into the closet, dismissing me. I stood up and followed right behind him.
"What, Naomi?" he asked in dismay.
"Damn it! Talk to me! Look at me!"
He turned around and looked at me in my face before his eyes traveled the rest of my body. Just as always, he was captivated by the sight of me nearly naked. I watched as his eyes examined every curve my body had to offer. He groaned inwardly while biting the inside of his mouth as he started to walk closer to me. He pulled me into his embrace, kissing my neck softly while his hands enjoy a play date with my ass. This wasn't going to work this time. I didn't care how bad I needed for him to ravage me right now. I needed to find the underlying cause of our problems.
"It's not going to work, Rashaad." I rolled my eyes as I tried to stay focused.
"What's wrong with you? Why are you doing this so early this morning?" He looked at me with a frustrated and annoyed look. At times, I wondered why I even tried with him. It was becoming depressing as hell and quite redundant.
"Whatever, Rashaad!" I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed my dress as I placed my legs in it and pulled it up over my shoulders. I walked back over to my vanity, sat down, and I began to do my makeup. I did a simple and quick natural beat to my face. I looked in my jewelry box and grabbed my silver necklace and the matching studs.
The necklace flowed down the v-neckline of my dress accenting my breast as it dangled from my chest. Rashaad sat and watched me intently as I walked in the closet to get my shoes. I found the pair of shoes that I was looking for and placed them on my feet. I stood up straight and headed out of the closet before I bumped into Rashaad's chest.
"What, Rashaad?" I breathed out aggravated with his presence.
"You look good today. Who you getting dressed up for?" he asked.
"I know I do." I walked passed him, making sure I bumped into his chest.
"I know you heard me ask you who you getting dressed up for?"
"Myself, Rashaad, damn! I guess it's a crime to actually care about how you look now."
"Whatever. You better not have anybody touching what's mine."
"Then you better start taking care of it before someone else does," I assured him.
With that, I walked out of our bedroom, leaving a very pissed off Rashaad. I made sure to put a little pep in my step as I walked down stairs. I may have hit under the belt, but I was fed up with waking up to an empty bed. It's not like I'm asking him to do much. I just wanted him to show his wife some damn attention.
As I made it down the stairs, Rashaad followed me, blabbing on about my earlier statement. I just ignored him as I grabbed my keys along with my coat and my purse form the closet. I walked out the house and slammed the door behind me as Rashaad continued to yell at me. I knew he wouldn't come outside. He was too prideful for that. He wanted to everyone to believe that we had the perfect marriage, when in reality, we were slowly falling apart.

Coming Soon!!!! February 21 2016

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