Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:
Rashaad- The Truth...

I stood there looking at the door. I couldn't believe she just slammed the door in my face or better yet let that stupid ass comment leave her mouth. I loved my wife, but ever since she started that job, it's like I don't matter.
We've been married for ten years, and never have I once come home without a hot cooked meal and a hot bath waiting for me. I missed that. What hard working man wouldn't? I work my ass off to make sure she has all the things she deserves.
She was my queen. She always would be. It was my job to provide any and everything she needs. I didn't understand why she needed to work because I provided for her. I needed her to let me be the man in our marriage. It was my job as a man to take care of her and our household.  In the ten years, we spent together, she never had a problem letting me take care of her. Suddenly, she wanted kids. I loved my wife with every fiber in my being, but I was not ready for that. I would love to watch her grow swollen with my seed planted inside her. However, I didn't think the timing was right. I was at the peak of my career. I would miss out on a lot of things, and that's not what I want.        
I walked back upstairs and thought about Naomi. Her words still ran through my mind as I made my way upstairs. Naomi usually didn't act this way towards me. I wondered if she had met someone else. I knew she wouldn't do that to me, though. My wife loved me. She would never stoop that low no matter how mad she got at me. I knew she had a right to be mad at me for not coming home, but damn, that was a low blow. All I knew was that we would be talking about this later.
I'll stop by so we can have dinner and hash all this out. I thought to myself.
I walked into my bedroom that I shared with my wife, walked back into the bathroom, and stepped into the shower.        
Once I was done, I stepped out the shower, grabbed my towel, and wrapped it around the lower half of my body. I walked into my closet, pulled out something comfortable to wear, and quickly dried my body while moisturizing my skin. Shortly after, I dressed myself.
I walked into my bedroom and heard my phone ringing. I thought it was Naomi calling to apologize for what she said to me earlier. I quickly walked over to the scrubs I had taken off prior to my shower and grabbed my phone from the pocket. I looked down at the screen. Disappointment struck me as I looked down at my phone and saw Anika's name flash across my screen. Memories of the night we shared flashed through my mind. Anika was a friend of Naomi's. She introduced us a few years back. She was an attractive woman, but she was nowhere near my wife's caliber. She was just something to do at the time; a mistake I allowed to go too far. Naomi made it more than clear to me that until I accepted her career, she wouldn't take part in her wifely duties...if you know what I mean. I thought she would cave in, but after two months without my wife's touch, I fell into the hands of temptation. I still remember the day as if it were yesterday.
Her Touch... I watched my wife as she walked around entertaining guests. She looked so damn fine in that dress. The way it hugged her chest tightly made her breasts spill out just enough for a peak. I was in a trance as I watched her inhale while biting my lip. My eyes found their way to her ample ass.
We were having a family gathering at my mom's house. She invited two of her friends she had become acquainted with from work. I sat back and watched as they conversed. Her large breasts were at their peak, bursting out the top of her sundress giving me and every other man there a show. I knew she was doing it intentionally. It had been damn near two months since she allowed me to touch her. I craved to snatch her up, take her in my mom's basement, and teach her ass that I'm not to be played with. My eyes continued to undress her. I could tell she didn't have on any underwear by the way her ass looked whenever she walked.
"Hey! Earth to Rashaad!" My pops nudged me in the arm to get my attention.
"Huh?" I replied.
"Son! Why the hell are you looking at the woman so damn hard? You act like you two don't live in the same damn house! You can do whatever you want there. Lord, you're about to burn the woman's skin off with your look of lust. Go in the house, and take this to your momma. Damn boy!"
I waved my dad off and walked away to do what he asked me to do. I took a second look over at Naomi. She glanced at me and averted her eyes back to Mercedes as they continued their conversation. I continued to look as I walked off. I caught Anika looking at me intently as I approached the inside of the house. I brushed it off and walked into the house in search of my mother. I heard my mother's laughter echo through the house. I walked into the kitchen and my mother and aunts looked at me as if I had lost my mind for interrupting their moment.
"What do you want, Rashaad? You know what the rules are— no men in the kitchen," she spat with all the attitude she could muster up. I knew she was still mad. I knew Naomi probably told her about how I reacted when she told me about her job.
"I'm sorry, momma. Dad told me to bring this to you."
"Well, I would have preferred my daughter to bring it to me." I knew she was referring to Naomi. I knew her and my mother had a close relationship. Naomi never had a mother and my mom always wanted a daughter, so this made them extremely close.
"So, I don't matter anymore?"
She didn't respond. She just waved me off and dismissed me. I walked away and the women returned to their conversation. I walked upstairs to my old room. It was exactly how I had left it before I left for college. I sat on the bed. I looked up at the ceiling in thought. Maybe I was overreacting when I gave Naomi an ultimatum. When she told me she had gotten the job, I told her it was either me or the job. I see now that I was being stupid as hell. I knew that I wouldn't be able to survive a day without Naomi. I sat there holding my face in my hands. I had to make this right with my wife. Just as I was about to stand up, I heard someone enter the room. I looked up to see Anika entering the room. She looked at me lustfully as she closed the door behind her and locked it.
"What are you doing?"
I watched her every move. She didn't utter a word as she made her way closer to me slowly removing every layer of clothing she had on. I stood from the bed and headed for the door. Before I could even get the chance, she pulled me back and kissed me. Anika held my face, and I didn't try to fight it as my body responded to her. I felt my dick jump in my pants. Before I knew it, I was kissing her back, helping her undress. I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer. Something about the way the satin fabric of her lace thong the way it showcased her ass was enough to make any man weak. Taking my time, I made sure to savor the honeysuckle taste of her skin. She shivered underneath me as I feasted on the sensitive skin of her neck. Grabbing her hands, I raised them above her head with a firm grip I pushed her back against the bedroom door. I took my time as my fingers teased her wet core lost in the bliss of the moment my dick started to make his appearance. She looked me in my eyes moments later as I pounded away at her insides while her legs were wrapped around my waist while she covered her mouth to silence her screams.
That was the first time I cheated on my wife. I don't know what took over me, but it happened. I was so oblivious to what was happening. I didn't realize that I was a married man until I was buried deep inside of her and she was reaching her climax while she clawed at my back.
I will always regret that day. I felt like shit. My wife was sleeping alone and worried sick about me while I was having sex with a woman she considered to be her friend. I couldn't stop thinking about our endeavors.
I tried to break things off with Anika after, but she always seemed to be there whenever things went sour with me and Naomi. I could use her company right now. With the shit that Naomi said to me this morning, I needed a release. I looked down at my phone to see her number flash across the screen. I swiped my finger across the screen before placing the phone to my ear.
"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." I hung up the phone without giving her a chance to speak. I quickly threw on my clothes and headed out of the house.

Coming Soon!!! February 21, 2017

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