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"I LOVE THIS THING!" Luna laughed, splashing in the jacuzzi like a little kid while water hit her back. Her paint splattered swimsuit (everyone was starting to doubt anything Luna had WASN'T paint splattered) was covered in bubbles.

Eliza lay back in the jacuzzi, her own swimsuit-with a picture of a volleyball on it-was also covered in bubbles. Somehow, Brooklyn managed to look amazing in a bubble covered sparkly black tight fit bikini.

"Anyway, to what's important-gossip!" Brooklyn announced.

"Very important," Luna agreed, "so...did he say the word?"

This was directed at Eliza.

"Well, Blake told me he loves me...but he's going to the winter dance with Maria!"

"Ship destroyer, ship destroyer," Luna announced in a robot voice, "aim to kill a ship destroyer."

Eliza cracked a smile, "thanks Luna. So how's your love life?"

"Oh...the likes. I have my eye on this cute guy, named Lucas. Asked me to the dance."

"But you and Travis just broke up a week ago!" Eliza mumbled.

Brooklyn sat up again before she was trying to relax, but she heard that and sat up.

Luna and Brooklyn stiffened.

"Yeah well it doesn't seem to matter to him," Luna answered coldly.

Brooklyn pulled back her wet hair awkwardly.

Eliza stood there nodding her head filling her cheeks with air.

"Now, to more important things. What base have you and Travis gotten to?" Luna said with a bitter face, trying to call out Brooklyn.

Brooklyn went bright red.


"Second, cool. He any good? A little more slutty then when we went out-it took him a couple months."

Brooklyn added "Luna look, please let's not get personal because I have some things I could say too if I wanted..."

Luna shrugged "your right, I don't want to start a fight Brooklyn," she then added on "I don't want a boy to come in between our friendship."

Leaning back in the jacuzzi, Brooklyn agreed.

"How do you get second base from uh uhm?" Brooklyn demanded.

"Please, it's only rich children like you Brooklyn, that don't. I have an older brother-I learned this stuff at a very young age." Luna chuckled confidently.

"True story," Eliza sipped her cocktail, "who's up for kiss, slap or marry?" she said, trying to take the toxicness from the jacuzzi.

"Heyyy girls!" Blake laughed opening the balcony; Travis followed him in, they were both in their swimsuits too,they had just come from their balcony.

"Ughh, we're trying to kiss, slap or Marry and we don't want you guys here!"

Travis walked over to Brooklyn putting his hands on her shoulders "you're gonna tell me what everyone says, right?" He chuckled

"You wish," she laughed back, sipping her cocktail.

"Ya, this stuff stays in the girls balcony, and ours only, period" Luna said sassily laughing.

Blake walked over to Luna giving her a tiny hug .

"Ugh I hate being the fifth wheel!" She laughed while sipping on her drink.

"What about that guy, Lucas?" Travis suggested.

"Ya he seems cool," Blake added, since in their friend group they cared about one another, and if they thought that person was good for them, Travis followed Blake out, Travis mouthed to Brooklyn laughing "you're telling me!"

"No I'm not!" She added on chuckling





Blake tried to pull him back as he kept resisting


"Omg Travis ! So y'all don't play kiss, slap or marry?" Eliza whined, raising her eyebrows a little.

"You caught us there !" Blake laughed

"Oh my god, we have to find out what they said!" Luna whispered into Brooklyn's ear.

"Ya!" Brooklyn squealed as the boys headed out.

"So!" Eliza clapped her hands, "kiss, slap or marry! Lemme think...Lucas, Blake and Travis! Brooklyn, go."

"Ok...kiss Blake, marry Travis, slap Lucas. No offense Luna."

"None taken, Ok...me next. Kiss Travis, Marry Blake and slap Lucas." Eliza said, trying to break the tension in the air.

Luna made a face at her.

"Fine. Kiss Blake. Marry Lucas. Slap Travis till he dies."

"Ouch," Brooklyn mimed being hurt.

"Ah shut up," Luna answered playfully.

Where the boys were eavesdropping-

"Dude, ouch," Blake said.

"We broke up a week ago! Why is she this over me? Tell me-why?!?"

"Do you want her to be...under you...???"

"I'd just like to think that those four months didn't mean nothing, that's all!"

"Travis, I think that went out the window when you slept with Brooklyn."

"I was drunk!"

"You still slept with Brooklyn, and that's the worst thing possible for her. Look, your dating Brooklyn now. Ok? You need to get over Luna. She has moved on and so have you," he looked over to Brooklyn laughing and smiled "your right, thanks bro !"

"Any time!" Blake laughed

Luna took a huge gasp and looked over at the boys balcony "shoot, they were eavesdropping!" The girls got up and followed the boys out to the halls and the girls chased Travis and Blake around the Resort; only for them to realize they were in the middle of Alaska, in the middle of the reception on cold swimsuits.

They all laughed and headed back. 


(A/N) I remember when we wrote this chapter – 3am with my arabic exams the next day. That was stupid lol – I got like a 2 I was so tired. 

[Written: December, 2020

Edited: December 3rd, 2021

Published: February, 2022]

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