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Grace's POV.

I wake up still in my bra and pants. I guess I never put my shirt back on last night. I look at my wrist and see that its all clean and bandaged up. I look at it in confusion, I didnt bandage it up.. I get up and put my camp takota tshirt on. I walk into the bathroom and see blood everywhere and the blade on the floor. I just stand there remembering what had happened last night, and remembered Hannah also cutting herself.. I turn around quickly and run to the kitchen and see her looking for something. She didnt know I was there so I ran to her and jumped on her back and wrapped my arms around her neck. She stands up straight,

"woah, what's up with you?" she laughs a little at the end

"Don't you ever hurt yourself again! Understand!?" I get down from her back

"Only if you promise..." She says grabbing hold of my hand

My face drops and I look down, taking my hand away from Hannah's grasp.

"Babe..?" She says lifting up my chin

I look at her with tears filling up my eyes,

"Grace why aren't you answering..?"

"Cause I know it's gonna happen again..soon" I say dropping to my knees with my hands covering my face.

"Hey, no it won't..Im here for you..Gracie, if you ever feel like cutting just talk to me..."she says sitting down on the floor in front of me.

She brings me in her lap and I put my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck, with my face hinding in her neck. She gets up and lays me on the bed,

"Get some sleep, alright?" She says with a concerned look

I just nod my head and get under the covers. She gives me a kiss on my forehead and leaves the room, closing the door slowly behind her. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up and turn to look at the clock, it reads 3:48pm. I get up and head to the living room,

"Your coffee is on the counter," I hear Hannah say

I turn to look at the counter and see a cup of coffee, I smile and take it and sit next to Hannah on the couch. I take a sip and put it on the living room table, I look at Hannah and say Thank you. She kisses my cheek and I feel myself blush a little. I look down and see Hannah's arm, it was all bandaged up, you could see the blood stains through it. I take her hand and stand up and take her to the bathroom. I make her sit on the side of the bathtub, I go in the cabinets and get all the bandages I need. I go on my knees and take off the old bandages, I look at her cuts, I feel myself wanting to cry, but I hold them back. I take a face cloth and wet it, not to cold not to hot. I dab it on her cuts to clean of all the dry blood. Once its clean I start putting the new bandages,

"There.." I whisper while getting up

I throw out all the old bandages and the face cloth that is now full of blood. While Im washing my hands, Hannah slides her hands around my waist and rest her head on my shoulder,

"I love you" She says turning me around

"I love you too," I say placing a soft kiss on her lips.

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