Meeting The Lady of The Village

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Being in the dark snowy woods was perhaps not the most intelligent idea.

But not running for your life from a beast ready to eat you would be a more unintelligent idea. Hearing the rabid monster behind you, quickly gaining proximity, you had ran through the tall cold unforgiving woods in an attempt to possibly lose the creature.

The running was starting to get too you. Your breath was getting shorter and your legs were going to give out soon. This beast was sure to claim you as its next meal and you are sure you're going to die.

Running through the snow and jumping over rocks and logs a painful howl was heard behind you but you didn't stop. Whatever made the beast cry out you are glad it had shown up.

Finally stopping to gain your breath properly, turning around you saw a figure with a black cloak and a weapon attack the beast. A woman with a rust ridden sickle as two other similar figure started to join into this fight. Remarking it as a 'mutt'.

Taking this opportunity you ran away from the scuffle and headed deeper into the woods. Hoping neither the woman or beast follow you. The sound of buzzing was made behind you.

"Where do you think you're going little mouse?"

Upon realizing that someone was speaking too you, a hand had grabbed your fore arm and tugged you towards them.

"Such a pretty face. One I'd gladly take a bite from~" said the woman.

She had red hair with the side shaved short and a green necklace and a dark grin.

"Don't hurt her yet Dani. Mother said-"
The blonde was quickly cut off

"What Mother doesn't know won't hurt her Bela!" The brunette hollard after walking away from the now dead beast and towards the other two "I'm feeling rather hungery..." the brunette had gotten closer as 'dani' had wrapped her arm around your waist and had a hold of your arm, now grabbing your chin to look up at her.

"Please, I don't want to die! I just want to go back-"

"Anyone from the village ever told you not to run into the woods? There's very dangerous creatures out here, looking for tasty prey such as yourself" the brunette remarked as she trailed her finger down the side of your face, ignoring your plea.

"Cassandra!" Bela had called out
"That is enough, we shouldn't be out here for long, it gets cold in the evening. Bring her back to the castle alive" Bela said, adding emphasis.

"Dani, I'm going back to the castle to report this to Mother, are you coming with me or staying and helping Cassandra?"

"I'll stay here with the cute rabbit" The red head replied.

"Alright then. See you both there."

You stood there, watching as the blonde had turned into a swarm of flies somehow and flying away into the woods. You needed to find a way to escape quickly-

"Don't think of trying to escape, I'm not in the mood for a chase" Cassandra said, noticing the look on your face. "But I'm sure Dani is and she gets carried away sometimes. Isnt that right Daniela?" The redhead proceeds to nod her head. You notice the smeared dried blood on their face. How did you not notice before???

As Cassandra lead the way and Daniela was behind you, keeping on touching your hair, you saw through the fog to make out a giant castle. Like something you would see in a movie or video game.

Finally arriving at the castles front doors Cassandra had open them with a lock and kept them open for you and Daniela to enter inside. Looking around, it looked better than what you expected. You notice the huge staircase and the fireplace. warmth immediately surrounding you made you lightly relax. Oh how short live it was.

You heard heavy footsteps approach closer. Looking up, you couldn't belive your eyes.

A beautiful tall woman made her presence known

"And who might this be?"


WOW this took me all day to think and write. But I enjoy it, even if my writing isn't good.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments or ask questions and I will be sure to respond!

See you next chapter!

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