Chapter 1

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There was no hope. Not that there was any, to begin with. Hades had hoped that the barrier would be weaker at the top but it wasn't and it all ended with a big BANG!- literally.


Your just lucky you look ατσίδας


Hades resorted to digging, surely there must be a weak point somewhere. anywhere. He was a GOD for crying out loud he didn't belong here.

That's like your signature quote.

King beast and his queen elected all the kingdoms together and had gotten himself elected as king of aurodon. His first proclamation as a "high" king was to send all the villains to a fate worst than death "The isle of the lost" where they would be subjected to a life of no magic and live as Mortals until their puny lives ended or in his case eternity.

To make matters worse there was a rumor going around- he wasn't a fan of gossiping but what else was he supposed to do, yelling at both his minion's pain and panic had gotten awfully boring- some villain named Minister of evil or whatever her name-yes her talk about women empowerment- was had been spreading fear throughout the entire Isle and hades hadn't seen her face once, at one point he even thought it was a joke, and it would still be if he didn't see the silhouette of a lady in the tinted windows of a castle in the town center.

Me the great maleficent a myth, I'm kids worst nightmare.

You're not that scary

Like who did she think she was, he was curious, what could this mortal have possibly done for people to cower at her name. It was interesting indeed and hades was going to find out. "Boy's you continue to work and you're not allowed to stop until I get back understood?". "Yes Boss"

Time to find out who the big bad "mortal" is.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement

Most of the island population was indoors when hades made it to the "mortal" supposedly house, not only did beast round-up "higher villans" but he also banished common criminals like Rapists, Murders, psychopaths and any other criminal you could think of and they would all be a fool if they decided to try an attack hades tonight or any other day.

You made pain and panic work until nightfall


It's a mystery as to why they are still loyal to you

Now hades had never seen this "mortal" but he was guessing she was one of the higher-end villains since she seemed to drive so much fear. Hey if he could climb a ladder contraption to the sky then a castle should be a piece of cake, Hades thought of all the villains who could have possibly scared this many people but no one came to mind, surely if she was so powerful Hades would have heard of her after all he was centuries old, probably older.

How old are you, anyway?

What, could you speak a little louder?

Clearly, the god's hearing goes at one-hundred.

There seemed to be a little crack in the widow that hades could peek through if he wasn't careful he could either get caught or fall- he fell from higher so that doesn't really sound too bad.

......I feel violated

Hades gasped never had he seen such a beauty, Of all the villains he'd heard of how could he possibly forget, Maleficent Mistress of Evil, She cursed an infant to death though hades was pretty sure her tale got mixed up and he didn't have the real story.

It got so mixed up that people thought it was going to be impossible to fix.

Hades watched as the mistress revealed her long brown HAIR!!- wait she had hair? Never in a million years would he have guessed she did.

...Why wouldn't I hav-

I cannot justify nor explain my past self

Her beauty could have rivaled Aphrodite's- And that's saying a lot seeing as she is the goddess of beauty- Her eyes were the darkest shade of green he had ever seen and he found himself lost in them, so lost that he slipped and landed on his butt. Twice in a day had he fallen and bruised his pride.

Hey I guess you can say I fell pretty dang hard for you *winks*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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