First birthday part 1

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Noelle was hungry and she hated that her sister had to ruin her day completely, so she was going to get her own breakfast and she wanted pancakes that morning and eggs and she was going to let daddy cook the pancakes and the eggs

"Okay Noelle I'm coming" he says when he heard her cry that she was hungry too

Niall gets her out of her highchair, and she was going towards where the pancake mix was, and she was going to get the pancake mix out

"Noelle, you are walking" he says when he sees her walking to the pantry

Niall followed her and helped her with what she wanted for breakfast that morning and pancakes were her choice

"Okay pancakes and what would you like with your pancakes?" he asks her

Noelle headed for the fridge for the eggs cause she was in the mood for eggs that morning

"Good choice sweetie" he says as he was going to make her breakfast that morning

Noelle wanted to help with breakfast since she got to be one on one with daddy that morning

"Okay let me get you your stool" he says as he was going to get her stool

Niall got stools for the girls so if they wanted to help him cook, they could without any problem and Niall got her little apron            


"Okay Noelle come on your breakfast is ready I'll serve you at your table since Gia has her own table as well" he says as he was going to take Noelle's buffet breakfast to the table

Noelle was going to walk on her own to the table cause she wanted to be independent right now and Niall was going to let her

"Come on Noelle, you can do it" he says as he encourages her

(Months later)

Before Niall knew it the girls were going to be turning a year old and he wanted them to have a party to remember if they could remember it at all but Niall didn't care it was a big event bigger then when he found them cause it was going to be a full year that he found them on that side of the road

"I still can't believe the girls are going to be one" he says as he was shopping for them online for their birthday

Niall started to have a flashback to when he found them


"My word" he says when he hears loud crying from the car seats as he got out of his car to see what was inside the car seats and by the sounds of the crying it was two babies that was not happy at all

Niall rocked the car seats gently to calm the babies down a little bit before he put them in his car, so he could continue on his way to the doctors with the babies

"It's okay cutie pies your safe with Niall" he says as he picked up both car seats and took them to his car cause he was going to take them as his kids cause it was dangerous for the babies to be out there on the highway by themselves at that young age

Niall put one car seat in and buckled that one in and when he had that one secured behind him

"Looks like i need to get two car seat bases before i go to the doctor's" he says as he got back into the car to go shopping for bases for the car seats

Niall put the A/C on for the babies so they were not so hot from the car and from being outside at all

"It looks like you two are girls" he says as he looks back at the car seats as he was driving still

The babies heard voices and they settled down slowly

Merry Christmas and happy new year we will continue

Found and taken in by Niall Horan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now