Short chapter (read A/n)

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Hey guys really quick an but this chapter is gonna be really short because I want to leave a lot of room for the next chapter which I won't give to many spoilers bit will definitely be kinda 🌶️🍋😈
Enjoy UwU

"I have something to confess"

Y/n's pov

Something to confess? What could Jack kun mean? "Uh mm ok" I nervously replied
"Y/n" he started "I know I call you names and treat you like nothing but dirt but the truth is.....I love you"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing Jack? In love? WITH ME?!? But why?

He stared at me wide and almost teary eyed, almost begging me to answer.
"J-jack, I don't know what to say I-I thought you hated me" I replied
"I thought I did too, but now I realize I only did those things to cover up my feeling for you" he paused

"So please Y/n..

Will you be this lonely vampires mate for all eternity?"

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