Chapter 2

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"Over here!"
"Ryder Reeds!"
"Look here!"
"Is it true?"

Ryder Reeds ignores the reporters as he makes his way from "Restless Records" to his car. In front of him, his manager helps hold back the persistent paparazzi.

"Are you really taking a break?"
"Is it because of your last album?"
"Are you having problems with your label?"

Ryder keeps pressing through, finally making it to his car, and his manager follows close behind.

"How did it get out?" asks Ryder as the driver proceeded to drive him home, "No one knew I was taking a break."

"I don't know, Ryder," responds his manager, "Someone at the label must have leaked it."

"That's the thing, Sam!" shouts Ryder, "The paparazzi always finds out!"

"Well it's their job-"

"No, Sam. Not like that! Deny it all you want, but both know deep down that the higher ups leaked it for the publicity."

Sam sighs. "Look here man. There's nothing I can do about it."

"Ya you're right, Sam. Sorry for going off on you like that," apologizes Ryder, "It's just so frustrating. I signed to the label to make music, and now that's the only thing I don't do. I'm like a monkey at the zoo, man. I go where they want me to go and play what they want me to play. Everyone keeps saying I'm at the very top, but in reality, I'm completely chained to the bottom."

Sam looks over at Ryder, who rested his head against the window. Although being only four years younger than Sam, Ryder looks more worn down than guys twice his age. Ryder had worked harder than anyone else Sam had ever met, but the label had really worn him down after a while. Thinking back, Sam remembers the day he was assigned as Ryder's manager.


"Sam! The department head wants you!"

Sam quickly gets up from his seat and briskly walks towards the department head's office.

Sam's head swirls with thoughts.

'Am I getting fired? I haven't messed up. I haven't been here long enough for a promotion either. Did I forget to submit some papers? Wait! Did one of the artist I manage complain? I swear! The current batch are such a pain! They think just because they signed a deal that they're rockstars! It just goes to their head!'

Sam makes it to the office door and knocks.


Sam opens the door and cautiously walks in.

"Good morning, Mr. Karnel."

"Hello, Sam. I called you here because you are being transfered."

Sam stares and Mr. Karnel absolutely shocked. He had always liked how straightforward Mr. Karnel was, but now that he was on the recieving end, he finally understood everyone's panic.

"What?" Sam barely managed to get out of his mouth.

"You heard me, Sam. You will be transfer over to headquarters downtown. They just signed a new artist and your going to be his personal manager."

Sam was absolutely bewildered. Living in Downtown Adora was a dream come true. Everyone wants to live there, and Reckless Records would even provide their managers and artists housing, but once Sam's shock and awe wore off, he could only think of one thing:

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