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Adrien's eyes scrunched up, his hands balled into fists. Saying he was mad at Plagg would have been an enormous understatement. What was Plagg thinking? He mentally screamed in his head, not having enough emotional energy to even whisper. How could his kwami do this? Sure, the little black cat sometimes did crazy and stupid things without thinking. Sure, he had let himself and Ladybug's kwami be discovered by a teacher, which almost caused his identity to be revealed. But Plagg had never intentionally tried to reveal Adrien's identity. So why was he doing so now?

"Adrikins..." A high-pitched voice muttered, breaking him from his thoughts.

With a deep breath, the blonde boy opened his eyes to analyze the scene. God, it felt like hours had gone by since they had all entered that locker room, yet it had to have been half an hour at most. Alya, with her palms pressed together, hovering in front of her mouth, stared keenly at the little kwami. She looked as if she were studying the creature, though he already guessed that she had figured out what the creature signified. Meanwhile, Chloe stood in utter shock, her mouth agape and eyes widened. The fact that she had never expected her childhood friend to be Chat Noir, it made him feel a little bit of an accomplishment.

Then his eyes wandered over to Plagg, expecting to see his usual smirky grin. However, the only emotion that showed on the little black cat's face was one of sorrow and worry. The look that he would give Adrien when he was concerned for him.

Now the boy felt like an idiot. Of course, the little cat would be worried, whether it be for him or for Ladybug's kwami. With a sad smile, the boy held out his hand for the kwami, an offering of understanding, and thanks. Plagg flew over and landed in his hand, accepting it.

"Guys, this is Plagg. He is my kwami." Adrien said, feeling better than he had initially been.

"So, you're Chat Noir." Alya replied, but it was more of a statement than a question. The blonde boy nodded his head, hoping he didn't need to explain himself further. Before she could continue, Chloe decided to speak for herself.

"How can that be possible? You and Chat Noir don't resemble each other at all! Sure, you may look slightly similar, but neither of you act in the same way!"

While the blonde girl just kept piling on reasons as to why he couldn't be Chat Noir, the boy found it to be an excellent opportunity to think. There was no he could take on all of the akumas alone; he knew that. So he would definitely get the fox and bee miraculous for Alya and Chloe, though those are the only allies he could have since he didn't know the other ones. But he would also have to figure out where Master Fu is hiding. He remembered Marinette... no Ladybug had said that their master had moved locations after that amok had attacked him. However, he didn't even know where his original position was, so who knows where he had moved too. However, it was still plausible. Yeah, so he was going to find Master Fu, get the bee and fox miraculous, and then -

"How are you going to save Marinette and get her miraculous back?" The Creole girl's voice pierced through Adrien.

Instantly, he froze where he stood. All of his thoughts had flown away, leaving not a single trace in his mind. Truth be told, he didn't know what to do about Marinette much less how to get her miraculous back. His previous panic and frustration started to bubble up within him once more. Before he could burst out again, Plagg decided to cut in.

"Hey, leave the kid alone! He hasn't had much time to process everything yet. He needs time to come up with a plan."

For all their disagreements, Adrien knew Plagg would always have his back. That helped snapped Adrien back to his right frame of mind. While Ladybug could conjure up a scheme in at most a minute, he couldn't and needed more time to think. However, while he didn't have the full plan laid out, he still had time to work on the details. The akumas were only after Chat Noir, so if he didn't transform, then they could delay the battle for just a bit longer. But for now, they could start with phase one.

"It's alright Plagg, I've come up with something of the plan." He pronounced, trying to produce a morsel of confidence in his voice. "Firstly, I won't be able to fight that many akumas on my own, so I'm going to get both of your miraculous. We'll have to meet in a place that is inconspicuous as to not attract the akumas' attention."

"How about we just meet back up in here." The blonde girl suggested. "I doubt the akumas are going to come back here, and everyone else in the school has either already found their perfect hiding spot or has fled the premises."

"Good point. Alright, you two stay here while I go get your miraculouses."

The blonde boy turned around and ran out of the locker room. If he was going to have to look for Master Fu, then he better do so now then later. Before he could exit out of the school, he heard someone calling his name.

"Adrien! Wait up!" Alya shouted, racing towards him. Once she had caught up to him, she halted her steps and held onto his shoulder as if to make sure he didn't leave before she said her peace. "I'm sorry for pressuring you back there, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine, Alya." Adrien replied, taking her hand off his shoulder. "I know you're just worried about Marinette. I am also worried about her, but I know she wouldn't want us to be. Even without Ladybug's help, we'll save her."

Before he could take off to start his search, the Creole girl snatched onto his wrist.

"I'm not done. When you are getting our miraculouses, make sure you grab Carapace's as well."

"What? I don't know who he is."

"You don't, but I do. I'll fill Carapace in on the situation and bring him to the locker room. Just bring his miraculous as well. After all, four heroes would be better than three." She confided.

Alya's hazel eyes pleaded with him, begging him to trust her. She could be lying about the identity of Carapace; however, she wasn't the type to lie in dire straits. If she really knew who Carapace was, then he could be a big help in defeating Princess Justice. So he decided to trust her.

"Alright, I will." Adrien responded, sprinting off to find out where the miraculous guardian had hidden.

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