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I am terrified,

the days merge together, it is an infinite stretch of


I am unfocused, my mind fogs up and my desperation wraps thick arms around me

I am undeniably obsessed with you

please forgive me

when I am feverishly pressing my lips against tattered pages

breathing love and your name and all that I have come to know of you

when I rewind the same songs over and over again

even if you will be beside me finally

please, forgive me

when I hold on tighter- longer, than you expected

and my writing nights of you drag like a last cigarette

and the smoke hogs your space

and my eyes cannot glance away

please, forgive me

I am undeniably obsessed with you

I shall overthink, over love, and torment my heart as I mock every pulse for interrupting the vowels you speak

so, please forgive me on the days I become too much, and my words might fall into a tedious loop and my arms shall remain restless with you here

holding your hand, kissing your knuckles

caressing your existence with devotion

and drowning you with naive affection


forgive me,

I just want to give you the love I never had

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