Night Falls Really Dark

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July 2, year 2018
My dad closed the door after he entered the room ,I was fearing the worst due to their faces...I already knew they were going to scold me ,or maybe more...
Mom:"Well,do you have something to say?" My mom was asking me while my dad was getting angry
Me:"Mo-mom" I started stuttering while both my parents were looking at me
Mom:"And then?" My mom said to me,she obviously wanted me to reply her
After that there was a bit of silence cuz I couldn't explain to them anything ,I was really nervous,then my dad (who was clearly pissed off) finally took out his rage:
"FOR FUCK SAKE ,WHY DONT YOU TALK,ITS NOT SO HARD TO SAY WHAT WERE YOU DOING LAST NIGHT WITH THAT GIRL" My dad yelled at me ,then he stood up but my mom stopped him,after that I started speaking:
Me:"Ok,I'm gonna tell you both the story:Last day I was coming to house when Dayn sent me a message...
After some minutes
I finally told them all the story,of course they were mad at me for what had I done the night before,and within a few seconds they showed me how angry they were
Mom:" Ok,now go to your room ,you're punished for worrying us,we'll talk later abt the rest of the punishment,for now and then,we will take out your phone" That clearly annoyed me but I couldn't do nothing
After that I went upstairs and walked towards my room,I closed the door and I started thinking abt all the stuff that had happened :At first Dayn invited me to his house ,after that he showed me her two "friends" (If they could be called that),then I had sex with one of 'em and after that my parents got angry at's somehow hilarious (sarcastically) I knew my parents would forbid me from seeing Dayn again,hopefully they will understand that it wasn't really my fault ,I just wanted to have sex with a girl I had met that day ,life is crazy and we can't change it.For now I guess I'm gotta wait for the full punishment,which would probably consist of a week or two having to stay at home instead of hanging out with my friends.I didn't really care abt it,I just wanted to know who's that girl called Ashley,Idk if she goes to the same highschool as me,I guess the answer is no,but I want to know everything abt her ,but for now I'm going to read a book (Cuz I didn't really have anything else to do)

Some hours later

I was reading until I suddenly heard some steps coming from the stairs,I thought it was one if not both of my parents, so I continued reading

At that moment someone opens my door and when I turn my face to see who it was I notice its my mom,who btw seems worried

Mom:"Hey,so your dad and I have been talking and we have already decided what will your punishment be" She calmly says,luckily she is not as angry as before

Me:"And what will it be?" I looked at her with curiosity,of course I didnt know what kind of punishment were they going to put me

Mom:"Ok,I know you wont like this,but you are going to look after our neighbour's children,okay? That has caught me suprised cuz I thought they would forbid me from watching television or something like that as they usually do

Me:"What? Why you couldnt punish me without seeing my friends for a while or something like that as you used to?" I looked at her,I really wish the punishment were different

Mom:"Because you have lied to us along with letting us down,so we think you deserve to know how does it feel to take care of kids as we have to take care of you" My mom seems to be angry again,so it is better not to complain abt it

Me:"When do I start?" I was wondering when I would start so I could prepare myself for whatever was coming

Mom:"You are going to start this afternoon" My mom said,then she closes the door,leaving me alone with my thoughts

Oh shit this wasnt how I thought it would be, I guess I need to learn from my own mistakes and I will also need to figure a way to get out of that punishment

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