An Introduction to My Father and Brother

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A/N: Hi. I wrote this whole chapter and then accidentally deleted it, and I REALLYREALLYREALLY don't want to rewrite it, especially since I'm on my phone... So I'm gonna rewrite it in short with less details in third person, except the end, which I can't destroy like that:

Terra climbed out her window and commanded the wind to carry her to her brother's tower on the south pole. She could avoid Jack. 

She landed in front of the tower, which pulsed blue, and went inside after speaking to Winter it's tiger guard. Her brother, Cael, calmed his flying clock-creatures and agreed to let her stay at his house for awhile.  

Suddenly they both heard a noise outside; it was Winter trying to fend of a hoard if yetis. Suddenly Jack came up, freezing Winters paws to the ground, and confronted Terra for being Pitch's daughter. 

{Terra POV start here}

"Come on, make a move!" I stared at Jack as he brandished his staff. 

"Why would I hurt you?" I ask him. He looks confused, and Bunny comes up, putting a hand on his shoulder. 

"I told you she was good, mate," he says. 

"Not good. A neutral party. Although I have helped you with quite a lot. Like spring. Remember that, Rabbit?" I raise an eyebrow. Bunny cringes. 

"I...invented...spring..." he mutters. 

"More like stole," I chuckle. "Don't worry, nobody thinks you really invented it anyways." Bunny growls angrily. 

"So, who's the other one? North asks, coming forward. Tooth and Sandy follow suit. 

"The one and only son," he answers them. They gasp. 

"Father Time and Mother Nature, nice to meet you," I bow dramatically. Tooth opens her mouth to say something, but suddenly there is a shadow over us all. 

We look up. There, in the sky on a platform of sand, is Pitch. 

"Well look at that. The Guardians of children AND the guardians of the world. All together," his voice, steely and cold, doesn't worry me. But when I see the girl behind him, struggling to get away, I can't help but flinch. 

"Jennifer!" Cael screams. But it's not her. I'd recognize that face anywhere. 

A/N: Hope you didn't mind the shortness... But it's late... Anyways, enjoy the cliffy XD. Please keep reading, it'll get good I swear!! Thanks!

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