19 2 0

p/n - plushie name
y/n - your name
l/n - last name
f/n - friend name

soo.. tired......

" HELLO! Miss l/n WAKE UP! "

Reader pov.
" huh- " *students laughing* oh I fell asleep
" So miss l/n can you go over everything I've just said ?" silence filled the classroom as the teacher waited for an answer "I- I don't know "
"You don't know?.. After class my office! "
" Ok now that that's settled let's continue "

I hated school. It was just so crowded and loud
I mean loud music is fine but school.. it's just different. I didn't always hate school tho, like when I was in kindergarten I just couldn't wait to go to school but when I got into 1. grade.. I forgot about liking school.

Got bullied by some fake friends for about 2 years and then I cut them out of the picture, ignored them. That's how it sorta stopped.

My home-life wasn't the greatest but it wasn't bad either. Just mom dad and me. We lived in a mansion that was built by my mom and dad but it still wasn't finished. It was more that enough for me I loved it there but then when I was around 2-3 or so my parents got divorced. We still lived there together so for me it really wasn't a big change. Thankfully my parents didn't fight at all they just got divorced so they wouldn't fight in the future.

Around when I was 4-5 we moved and separated. I would be with my mom on MON. THU. and then with dad on WED. THU. ...

Mom really had trouble getting a boyfriend and stuff when on the other side my dad just left his love life behind and just tried to have fun with me. Each time mom got a new boyfriend we would move in with them so with my mom I moved a lot. With my dad tho- he didn't really have a place to go so we both stayed with my grandparents ...

Now my present home life is pretty messed up..
Long story short- mom is single, dad got remarried with a girl about "10 years" younger than him. Shes a spoiled kid that's afraid of everything when I mean everything I mean watching Smurfs or Tom and Jerry scares her...
I don't like her at all.

Back to me now.
Class just finished I guess I better met the teacher. " Hello miss y/n. You've been spacing out lately plus your grades aren't getting any better. Do you think you can just magically pass the classes if you sleep during them?"
"No sorry." " And to think that your mother is a teacher here? I'll be expecting you to come to extra classes. I hope that won't be to hard for your small brain.." here in this school everyone knew who I was because of my mom being a teacher here... it was a pain.

I really got along with the people in my class we sometimes hung out or we would do stupid stuff. They don't know my home life, so because my mom is a teacher they think that my life is perfect.

They know nothing about me. I struggle with anxiety and have a lot of stress all around me. So at home to get my mind off things I like to binge watch a show or watch a film. But what I do most of the time is I take a walk in the woods sit under a tree plug my headphones in and listen to music.. I do that a lot because it's my escape where I can dream about leaving this place and flying away just like a bird.

I just got home and Halloween is coming up soon so my dad told me to carve a pumpkin.
I was carving it in the kitchen and it was half way done "I'm pretty proud of this!"

Then my dad and 'stepmom' came in the kitchen to ruin the mood with telling me that 'she' is pregnant. At first I thought They were just joking but they weren't I started crying and my dad asked how I felt. I told him I hated these news... I was in shock-

Because of my reaction dad dragged me to the bathroom telling me that I'm overreacting and that 'nothing is going to change' he told me that in a way you would've thought that he was scolding you which he probably was..

after that day my depression started i was coming to the woods more, slept less, ate less, my grades dropped again and everything started going wrong. I didn't know what to do with myself I hated this feeling that I just wanted to die and everything fell apart. I opened up to the only friend I know that I can trust her name is f/n and she also helps a lot.

Today I yet again came to the woods but it was different this time...

I felt like I was being watched by someone or something. No matter where I was or where I went from this moment on I felt like I was being followed which didn't bother me since I didn't care about dying but I was still curious on who it was. "Hello?" "Anyone here that wants to talk to me?... No? Alright!"

I've always believed in the supernatural stuff and dreamed about maybe someday seeing or meeting a ghost or anything unnatural. Even if it killed me I did not care...

Returning home and sitting down on my chair I opened My computer to maybe actually do something productive. But I ended up ditching it and going to bed. "It must be weird that I talk to you huh p/n. If anyone ever saw me talking to 'no one' no offence, they'd probably think I'm crazy or something... But It doesn't matter if you're alive or not I just want you to know that you are my best friend and I love you. "
I talk to p/n for all my problems. He/She/it is the only one that listens to everything.
"I should probably get ready for school again. "

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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