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Dominique Parks Atlanta, GA

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Dominique Parks
Atlanta, GA.
Four Months Later

i've currently missed my period four times in a row. I don't think i'm pregnant because I have none of the other symptoms. After everybody left his party, we did it again. Dummy move, i know but it just happened. Ever since then, the only place i've been sitting is on that dick.

And with that, we never used condoms. 

nique 🤎- can you come with me to the doctors office?
damar💕- i gotchu, wassup doe?
nique 🤎- we will cross that bridge when we get there.
damar 💕- i'll be there in 20 mama.
nique 🤎 loved this message.

I got up looking in the mirror checking my outfit. I ran my hands down my dress turning and looking at my figure. I knew I had to be pregnant I just didn't want to believe it. I don't know what i'm going to do if i'm really pregnant. I could never tell my brother I've been sleeping with his friend. Especially not Damar.

damar 💕- outside.

I grabbed my chanel bag and keys heading out the front door. He opened the door for me and I sat down. My leg was shaking and so was his. "Hey mama, what you needa go to the doctor for?" That was all it took for me to start bawling. "I may be pregnant." I said crying.

"How do you know Nique?" He asked sighing.

"did you not see the pudge? and I missed my period for the past four months and I just feel out of it." He leaned his head back on the seat and sighed again. "What the fuck do you keep sighing for? I'm the one that's really gonna have to go through this shit! You'll probably just leave me because you don't want kids or you don't want to mess up your friendship with my brother! I knew i should've never fucked you!" I screamed out while still crying my eyes out.

He grabbed my neck and turned my head to him.

"I don't know who the fuck you talking to.. but it's definitely not the fuck me. Now you need to fix your little stink ass attitude and pull it together because the sex was very much consensual so I wasn't the only fucking. We will figure it out once we know your pregnant or not. Understood?"

I nodded closing my eyes falling asleep.

30 minutes later

"We here mama, wake up." He said slightly nudging me.

I rolled my eyes sitting up in the chair. He got out first and jogged around to my side to open up the car. I stepped out and walked into the hospital. I signed myself in and sat down in the waiting room. He gently rubbed my thigh and I rolled my eyes. "Please stop." I asked picking his hand up off of my thigh. 

"Don't be like that Nique."  He said smirking. "Boy bye. I genuinely do not want to be bothered." I said feeling the tears coming back. I dozed off until I heard somebody call my name.

"Dominique Parks! we are ready for you!" The nurse came out and yelled.

I got up and stretched and waited for Damar to get up. He followed behind me. I sat down on the bed.

"Hi Dominique! We are just going to do blood work, ultrasound and urine test, okay?" I nodded and grabbed the container from her hand. I walked into the bathroom connected to the hospital room. I peed in the cup and washed my hands. "That was quick Nique." He said laughing. I rolled my eyes handing the doctor the container. I really do not feel like talking. "What are you here for?" The doctor asked clasping her hands together.

"I'm actually here to see if i'm pregnant sadly." I said laying back on the bed. 

She took the urine cup out of the room and approximately 10 minutes later she was coming back in with a wide smile on her face. 

"Awww, my baby Nique having a baby?! This is the father?" I nodded and she laughed putting her hand on her mouth so he couldn't see what she was saying. "Good choice! We just have to take some quick blood work!" She mouthed.

I laughed and sat up so she can insert the needle.

"Ouch!" I yelled out as I felt the needle pinching.  "Oh god, does it usually feel this bad?" I asked as she drew the blood.

"All done!" She said smiling and putting the containers in a plastic bag.

"Thanks auntie, is there anyways I can have the results asap?" I asked standing up.

She nodded and handed me a paper. "That's my new number and make sure you use it because I'm pretty sure your mama gave it to you already and you haven't called!" She said tapping her foot with her hands on her hip.

"Okay, bye auntie!" I laughed walking out.

"You hungry mama?" He asked escorting me to the car.

"No, you can drop me off home." I said rolling my eyes sitting in the car.

"Okay so chick-fil-a? Got it." He said pulling off.

We pulled up and he got my usual order. "Thank you my love." I said taking my food from him.

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