4| Like Puzzle Pieces

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(Y/n) is not someone Diavolo can trust. Though he doesn't have much reason to claim so.

It's been a month now, since they've shook hands and became 'business' partners. His daughter, he's been separated from her for too long. And he isn't worrisome for her safety, rather, he's concerned with his own. People can have leverage over him if they discover his daughter, or worse, use her against him. It's not an idea he's fond of.

Having her here, at (Y/n)s disgustingly rich penthouse, where she can be convinced her freedom is confined to the limits of the building, is the safest option-- But he can't bring himself to propose such an idea to his host. 

They have this look about them, he tells Risotto. They look like they're fake, a mannequin come to life and playing imposter as a human. They only ever smiled, and had a strange joyful tune in everything they said. Maybe it was from all those years lying to the public, the façade finally growing on them like a parasite, and freezing over what they once were with their politician persona. 

And their assistant, Wekapipo? Almost a polar opposite to them. He was stern and serious, his frown unmoving, and his deep orderly tone unwavering. Perhaps this was why he was hired by (Y/n), to fill in whatever they were missing, like two pieces from different puzzle. They don't match, but they fit together just fine.

Risotto tried time and time again to explain that it wouldn't be (Y/n), the freak, watching over his child, and most likely one of their assistants. They're just as busy as he is, and most likely won't pay her any mind, as long as she leaves them be. 

And this was true; Diavolo knew it, and hadn't the means to deny it. (Y/n) won't come into contact with his daughter, and the same goes the other way around. It'll be fine, though perhaps he should wait a bit longer to bring her in, he thinks.

After all, (Y/n) didn't seem to favor his company much at all, what's to say they'd tolerate his daughters?


"There, another vote swindled. Everything's ended up in your favor, again." Diavolo sighs, lighting up a cigarette as he leans against a certain politicians doorframe. "I had people asking me left and right why I did what I did."

"There's no need to answer them, they aren't entitled to that." (Y/n) replied, grinning at the results of the latest poll. 

"You think I don't know that?"

"Well, regardless, you did wonderfully. Thank you for that."

"Yeah, well, I'm gonna need some compensation for this one. It was pretty difficult going through each and every persons background in the city, and threatening some to go change their vote for you."

"Isn't keeping your empire around reward enough? I thought that was our agreement." Despite the smile they held, their agitation was evident, as was shown in the way they swiveled around in their seat and folded their arms. "I help you with your little crime thing you have going on, and you help me with all my business matters."

"I'm gonna have to ask for some different kind of payment this time, since there's nothing for you to help out with on my side... So, let me ask, are you going to use that room down the hall, the one next to mine?"

"It's a guest room, cupcake; if no one's sleeping in it, then it's free. Why, is your closet getting small with all the ugly lingerie you have in it?" (Y/n) laughed.

"No, I'm looking to have someone else stay here." Diavolo was fortunate to have kept a level-head, else there would've been a repeat of what happened two weeks ago. 

As much as he wanted to pick a fight now, he knew what'd happen. They had a fight back then, and with Wekapipo three floors down, and Risotto doing errands, there was no one to diffuse the situation.  It went back and forth, building each time one of them spoke, until stands were brought out. 

It was the first time Diavolo had seen (Y/n)s ability in its own form-- It's very strange form, at that. It was ancient, a golden god with twelve arms spread, body embedded with jewels, its face cast in wealth, frozen in a neutral expression. 

Hot-headed from the engagement, he ordered his King Crimson to throw the first punch... But it was like before, when (Y/n)s stand didn't obey their order. King Crimson didn't budge, not even lifting a finger to follow his command. 

Again, he shouted for it to attack, but nothing came. Then, (Y/n) tried, testing to see if their stand would obey at all either. Also nothing.

If his stand wouldn't follow his orders, Diavolo thought, then he'd carry it out himself-- so he went to throw a punch, shocked to find that his fist would always pause a couple inches from their face.

Curious, (Y/n) would try to hit him as well, attempting a gentle but forceful slap to the face. Their hand stopped right before impact, refusing to move any closer with their malicious intent.

So fighting, he learned, is never an open option to them.

"Have someone stay here? Don't you know its rude to invite other people to someone's house?" (Y/n) huffed, pushing themselves out from their seat to stand before him. 

"It's my kid, I don't like how long she's been away from me since I've been forced to stay in thsi place."

"You agreed to stay here, as part of what we shook on. No one forced you."

"Even still, I need her here.  Suppose that maybe a dad looking out for his kid---" More like looking out for himself "---Is something you can look past?"

"Perhaps. So long as she isn't disruptive, I won't mind her stay. However, if things get out of hand, she will be given to someone elses care, I hope that's clear."


"Great! Go ahead and bring her in, I'll have Foo Fighters bring some kid stuff up to her new room." (Y/n) was already fishing their phone out of their pocket, however, stopping themselves from hitting the call button, before lifting their head to look at Diavolo again. "And, since this is a little something extra I'm doing for you, that means you'll be doing something extra for me, too."

"Of course, greedy bastard. What is it you want?"

Just as though they loved to watch his blood boil beneath his skin, they smiled, "I'll tell you when I think of it."


(a short chapter, mainly just to provide an update, while i work on something bigger for you all! keep an eye on my announcements if you're interested in what it is!)

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