Come Home

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"Can everyone please come down to the living room?  We have something really important to discuss," Patton called.  He sounded worried.

In his room, Virgil glanced towards the door. Huh?  I wonder what's up...  He thought worriedly.  He hurried down the steps, anxiety sparking throughout his skin.  "What's wrong?" He asked, nearly falling down the steps trying to get to Patton quickly.  His friend sighed.  

Slowly but surely, everyone else filtered in- all but Logan.  Once they had arrived, save for Logan, Patton began speaking.  "I found this note this morning in Logan's room," he said quietly, pulling out a piece of paper.

Attempting to sound serious like Logan, he read,

"To the Sides and Thomas,

I have decided that I am no longer needed.  You have not struggled to ignore me in years, and I have since realized that Janus will be able to cover my job quite well-" he began.  Virgil felt his blood run cold.  He glanced at Janus, who said nothing, but looked upset. "-and you all seem to like Janus more than me.  This will overall be the most beneficial decision in the long run.  I apologize if my absence causes any inconvenience, although I am aware that it won't cause anything past that." Virgil shook his head.  Of course it would be more than that!  "Ergo, I have chosen to duck out.  I have been… feeling… useless and unwanted, and since I am typically right, I know that I have done something right for a change.  I wish you all the best.



He finished reading and looked around sadly at the group.  Virgil stared, falling over.  He gasped for breath.  "WHAT!?" He shrieked.  "No, no, no, no.  He can't be seri- … he can't be… that can't happen, he can't be gone!" Roman put his hand on Virgil's shoulder, and Virgil relaxed ever so slightly.  "I- his being gone would be far more than inconvenient to us!  I… I'm going after him!" He decided.  Patton gazed at him in shock and concern.

"Are you sure, kiddo?  It could be dangerous…" He warned.  Roman shook his head.

"Let him save Logan," he said.  "We need Logan back, and Virgil is willing to help.  I would go, but I don't know where he is, and he doesn't like me very much.  Convincing him to return will be difficult for Virgil, and impossible for me." All this made sense to Virgil, but one thing didn't add up.

"You're already giving up?" He asked softly.  Roman was normally so brave, so ready.

The princely Side leaned over to whisper in Virgil's ear, "Thomas and Patton are going to need me to hold down the fort here.  As long as we don't have Logan, they're going to need something constant," he explained.  Virgil thought for a moment, then nodded.

"I… guess that makes sense.  Remus, Janus..?  What are your thoughts?" He asked.  Even if he and the Dark Sides weren't on good terms, he trusted them to support him.

"I can TOTALLY believe this, and I'm NOT blaming myself," he said, emphasis on the lies.  Virgil and Roman exchanged a glance.  Then, surprisingly, Roman said,

"Well, it is partially your fault, for kind of taking his place in decision making, but I suppose it isn't ALL on you." He looked a bit guilty, Virgil noticed.  He figured that Roman was blaming himself for being rude to the logical Side.

"It isn't your fault, Jan," Remus tried to assure his friend.  "I sort of blame myself.  You know what?  I'm going with you, Virge," he declared.  Virgil's eyes went wide, and he stepped back, shocked.

"You… are?" He asked, surprised.  Why would Remus care?

"Of course!" Remus exclaimed.  "We need Logan back!  Heh… that is, if… if you're okay with it?" He clarified nervously.  Virgil considered the offer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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